Date Published: 11/11/09
Aliyu Dan Gata's false alarm and consistent inconsistencies By Saka Raji Audu
I would like to categorically state clear that I am not good at making unnecessary argument in matter of religion because I have friends and relations that are in both Islam and Christianity, all aimed at worshipping the uncreated creator. But when somebody hides under the façade of whatever faith to unleash his sentiment against his fellow being, I try as much as I can to correct him. It would be recalled that one Aliyu Dan Gata wrote an article in recent time, insinuating and defending all sorts of things that he sentimentally expressed just to get at the Governor of Kano State, the Sardaunan Kano, Malam (Dr) Ibrahim Shekarau.
In his failed attempt to undo the Governor, Aliyu Dan Gata deliberately chose religious and ethnic badges as subterfuge to launch his unwarranted attack on the people's Governor. Because Aliyu Dan Gata thought that by referring to me as a paid agent who is no longer entitled to his opinion, he would get undue support from the reading public. Unfortunately, as at the time of putting this piece, none of the reading public has made any comment in his misguided piece, meaning that no body except my humble self care about what he writes.
Aliyu Dan Gata claimed in his first article that he is a Hausa man but he calls Bakura as Bukura and Mazugawa as Muzuguwa. It is however interesting to now hear from Aliyu that it was a printer's devil. This is a pure lie because only a fool stumbles over the same stone twice. Aliyu as a Hausa man cannot be forgiven by his people for using the vowel "u" in place of "a" in the two separate words he used. Only a stranger in the land of Hausa can experience this type of malapropism. This is why his claim to Hausa origin is questionable.
Again, Aliyu Dan Gata also claimed that he is a Christian and yet he has no biblical name. It is also interesting that after pushing him to the wall, he has now unfolded to the public that his real name was Aliyu Daniel Gata. If this is now the case, why did he use fake name to write in the first instance? It is either he wanted to use Dan Gata instead of Daniel to cover his atrocities or he does not want the public to know his real name for reason best known to him. Dan Gata alias Daniel even complicated his misplacement of identity by quoting more from the holy Qur'an than his Bible. It is equally interesting to hear from Aliyu Dan (iel) Gata that there are already more than 80 churches in Kano with the Anglican Church alone having over 40 parishes. Has Aliyu forgotten that the 40 parishes under the Anglican Church cannot be equal to two churches other than the church they belong? I don't think Aliyu Dan (iel) Gata who claims to be a Christian knows the difference between a church and a parish. If he does, he wouldn’t be talking of churches and parish as if they are synonyms. This is to say that if the so called request to build 80 churches in Kano is approved, thereafter, we shall be having about one million parishes in the state. This is not even my concern but for Aliyu Dan (iel) Gata and his cohort to attach the granting of the 80 churches by Shekarau as prerequisite of winning 2011 election. Again, the question one should ask Aliyu are these? How many churches built by Yar'adua in Katsina before becoming President of Nigeria and likewise, how many mosques built by Obansanjo in Ogun before becoming President of Nigeria? In any case, why was the deliberately invented C of Os of 8o churches of Aliyu Dan (iel) and co was not tabled before Shekarau's predecessor and are they just thinking about it now? What is the total percentage of Christians in Kano that now require Aliyu's new 80 churches in Kano? These are questions begging for answers from Aliyu Dan (iel) Gata before opening his loud mouth to talk about what he is least knowledgeable about.
I still want to doubt Aliyu Dan (iel) Gata if truly he is a Christian and if he is not assuming his borrowed robe to cause confusion simply because he does not want Shekarau as President. This is because all my Christian friends and relations are always been careful in whatever they say or do. They neither tell lies, support thievery nor defend ignorance or treachery as the case of Aliyu's first article supporting/defending Alhazai Abban Sumayya, Ndiameeh Babrik, Tukur Mamu and the so called his "people" in search of 'justice', knowing full well that they are guilty. This explains why he tactically keeps mute over their matter, in view of the glaring truth my earlier response exposed him to.
Above all, the bone of contention is simply because people are asking Shekarau to go for President by 2011 in view of his laudable and enviable performances as the Governor of Kano State. If this agitation were not there, I am sure that Aliyu and his cohorts would not have been sponsored to bear an identity they cannot carry just because they want to give Shekarau a bad name to 'loose President' when the election comes. This matter will only be decided by God, the uncreated creator. So, Aliyu Dan (iel) Gata and his disgruntled elements should stop wasting their time in this regard.
I would like to repeat that Aliyu Dan (iel) Gata is neither a Hausa nor Christian person as he would like us to believe. This is because he does not understand simple phonemes of Hausa language. Again, he has just remembered that he is now DANIEL. He made mentioned some Hausas who never took English names but are Christians. Good! But the prefix of every name he mentioned carried "Reverend". This implies that the people were Christian converts. The moment one reads names like Revd Sule Garko, Revd Tambaya Hassan, and Revd Mai Kudi Kure, one would certainly know that they are Christians Converts. He should note that most of these names mentioned are pure Hausa names with no Islamic background. Perhaps, GATA might be a Hausa word, but it is hardly given as name because it means an over pampered spoilt child. This explains why Gata talks any how because an over fed child is always susceptible to indiscipline and disrespect to the elders.
In any case, I shall not write further on this issue because I have made enough points clear. I shall continue on other issues of national importance rather than responding to these bias and sentimental write ups. This does not mean however that Aliyu Dan (iel) Gata and his sponsors should not continue their shadow chasing, inconsistencies in their argument and false alarm, which they have become notorious about.
Saka Raji Audu writes from Kano and can be reached on