Gov. Murtala Nyako’s conjugal terrorism in Adamawa State
It is nauseating to hear that the governor of Adamawa State, Vice Admiral Murtala Nyako is parading his four wives for the Office of First Lady in a State that is economically weak to find its bearing in terms of real development. It is even more worrisome that the governor seems to be having a good time with this trivial issue instead of concentrating on the business of governance which the office he presently occupies demands of him.
First Ladyism in the country is an expensive ego trip that has been ripping off many States of their scarce resources. It is usually embarked upon by those politicians who have nothing to offer after being voted into office as a diversionary tool to engage the people in an attempt to ward off prying eyes. This can be buttressed by the fact that after one hundred days in office, there is little or virtually nothing on ground to portray the Governor as a performer. Nyako’s abysmal performance after his first one hundred days in office is a pointer to what the people are to expect at the end of the four years, i.e. if he gets away with the stolen mandate. As the saying goes, “morning shows the day.”
Suffice it to say that the State economy is being pinched on a daily basis by the assault of First Ladyship. Vice Admiral Nyako’s engagement of all four women in State service is a conjugal terrorism unleashed on the people of Adamawa State and if urgent measure is not taken to correct the anomaly, the people of the State would pay dearly for it. Her Excellency needs a convoy of chauffer-driven exotic cars, a large beautifully furnished office, an army of security personnel, including barrel-chested bouncers and a police orderly to carry Her Excellency’s bag of exotic lipsticks. Besides she is entitled to an array of Personal Assistants with all the paraphernalia associated with their offices. This costly venture is what Vice Admiral Nyako has duplicated four times over for the tax payers of Adamawa State to bear.
Vice Admiral Murtala Nyako ought to have declared this in his campaign manifesto if it was his intention to unleash terror on the State treasury once he captured power. The people of the State would then have appreciated the enormity of the pain Nyako planned to inflict on them and hence prepare psychologically for it.
This ugly trend must be reversed immediately; otherwise the Adamawa State House of Assembly should come to the aid of the people by sanctioning the Governor appropriately. The State legislators are accountable to the people and they must, therefore, ensure judicious use of State’s scarce resources. Failure to do this is a failure on the part of the legislators.
Tukur Abba Modibbo
Adamawa State Library
Adamawa State
Tel: 08033301103