Date Published: 12/02/09
Ekitipanupo commends Lagos State Government By Banjo Ogunrosoye
Members of EKITIPANUPO, a forum of eminent Ekiti indigenes both at home
and abroad with genuine passion for the progress of Ekiti land under the
leadership of Prof Akin Oyebode, hereby commend His Excellency, the
Governor of Lagos State, Babatunde Raji Fashola SAN, for his patriotism
and compassion. Ekitipanupo salutes Lagos State Government for donating a
3 -bedroom apartment to the family of late Naval Officer A. D Joshua Awe,
who was brutally murdered in the Atlas Cove fiasco in Lagos. It will be
recalled that Naval officer A.K Joshua Awe, a native Ekiti State was
brutally murdered at Atlas Cove, during the invasion of the Jetty by
suspected members of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger
Delta at the height of the Niger Delta crisis in Nigeria.
Governor Fashola’s act has again demonstrated the sterling qualities of
a reliable leader which has eluded majority of our domestic ruling
class. By this act of compassion, the governor has given hope to the
hopeless and equally shown that there are still reliable leaders in a
society that the poor and needy can lean on in the midst of a greedy
and avaricious political class. By his donation to the family of the
dead, he has definitely touched the lives of a hapless family whose
breadwinner had been consumed by the irresponsibility and reckless
attitude of our selfish political class. We have no doubt that your
Excellency will be remembered for good having done the very best for the bereaved family.
We commend the action of Your Excellency especially, the kindheartedness
to the bereaved family of our late brother and salute Your steadfastness
in support of the needy in our society.
On behalf of all members of Ekitipanupo, the Executive Council sincerely
appreciates Governor Babatunde Raji Fashola SAN and prays that God in His
infinite mercies will continue to direct him in the bid to build a virile
Lagos State and a better Nigerian State, where truly the labour of our
heroes past shall never be in vain.
Signed .
Banjo Ogunrosoye