Date Published: 12/18/09
The Conspiracy Theory By Imohimi Uduigwome Airenevboise
Our President has been of the country now for over twenty days. In order words our President has gone AWOL (absent without official leave) because I know that going by extant regulation, a public/civil servant and a staff of any organized institution or corporate body who is ill ought to produce a medical report from a recognized/acceptable hospital. I do not think Yardua has produced any report to excuse him from duty. However since they said he is ill, we wish him recovery but if a public officer is unable to perform his duty owing to illness the norm is that somebody is empowered to carry out the duties performed hitherto performed by the officer who is indisposed. Is the case of Mr. President different and if yes, why?
The million dollar question is who sent Nigeria’s number one citizen to Saudi Arabia even when the Crown prince of Saudi Arabia prefers to receive treatment in the United States of America? Is it a conspiracy to ensure that the President does not receive the best medical treatment available? What if Mr. President had mooted the idea of relinquishing power or was on the verge of discarding the services of the cabal that installed him into power. Is it not possible that this cabal in order to stay in power slipped something into the drink or food of Mr. President to trigger his present ailment?(or is it predicament?) Why is it that only a select few (who made the selection?) are allowed to see him on a daily basis? How are we sure that he is not been sedated to ensure that he is kept hostage while the cabal set the stage for the emergence of a more pliable stooge as the new President of Nigeria? The current scenario is that the select few (aka chosen ones) decide what is best to let Nigerians know about the condition of Mr. President. For all we know they might even be the ones ruling the country right now via “Oga say…”Nothing stops them from telling the Federal Tenders Board, oops, sorry, Federal Executive Council that Mr. President has directed that…and the lily livered members of the council will not dare request for a confirmation before carrying out the directive. I wonder what will be their reaction if one day the chosen ones inform them that Mr. President has dissolved the cabinet and that they should hand over to the Permanent Secretaries of their respective ministries. I think its high time Nigerians request for an independent confirmation on the true state of health of Mr. President and discard the trash peddled by the chosen ones.
Why are we receiving different reports on the President’s current condition? While some say he is recovering or on bed rest, some say he has suffered a relapse. Those who have no idea call on the people to pray! Believe me it is simply part of the grand conspiracy to heat up the polity. In the next couple of weeks ,factors such as deregulation of the oil sector , fuel scarcity, arresting opposition members on trumped up corruption charges, banking reforms, Anambra Soludo Solution(ASS?),etc will be accentuated to further heat up the polity paving way for the cabal to place their stooges in key government position preparatory to their taking over the reign of government fully .Its the classical scenario where western drug firms secretly release an ailment into the public to which only the drug company has the cure! To put it sore succinctly we are about to witness a motley of events orchestrated by the cabal (conspirators) that will usher them into power!
What gave one nondescript politician the audacity to tell the good people of Nigerian that they should disregard the constitution as he proceeded to enumerate the ONLY avenues available to our President to hand over to Mr. Vice President (aka spare tyre).What kind of politician tells the people with a wide grin on his face that there is nothing wrong with an absentee president presiding (in absentia) over our nation? We know that there is conspiracy afoot when an illiterate politician informs educated Nigerians that the Vice President is in charge of the nation when he has no constitutional or political powers to take decisions or preside over the Nation. The mere fact that the ‘Maigida’ is not at home does not confer power on the ‘maiguard’Shikena!
Has anybody asked Mr. President what he wants? He is not in the country and all manner of people are telling him what to do. All he wanted to do was to go back and lecture but they told him that he should forget his dream and come and preside over Nigerians at their behest and now that he has stopped listening to “the master’s voice” they have decided he must be taught a lesson.
Will they allow Mr. President return home? When will the cabal conclude its plans? Is our intelligence agency capable of nipping this political subterfuge in the bud? The million dollar question still requires an answer-who decided that Mr. President should receive treatment in Saudi Arabia when the crown prince of the Kingdom is more comfortable receiving treatment in the United States of America, for goodness sake even the wife of a former Nigerian President and Yardua’s daughter who is about to put to bed prefer the medical system of the United States of America. Who is preventing President Musa Yardua from receiving proper medical treatment in the United States of America? Nigerians request, nay, demand that their President be set free to go and receive treatment in the United States of America or are they hiding something from us?
Imohimi Uduigwome Airenevboise