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Date Published: 12/23/09



The Cyprus issue has been a political hot potato since the Mediterranean island became disunited by Greek and Turkish interests. It has gained headlines on newspapers and news broadcast being a top issue before the United Nations general assembly, US and EU policies and Turkish-Greek relations. But impasse has defined the issue as a solution has been sought since war broke out in 1974 following 11years of intercommunal violence and an attempted coup by Greek Cypriot nationalists.

 Cyprus, the third largest island in the Mediterranean, inhabited by mainly Greek and Turkish communities became a British protectorate from Ottoman control as a result of the Cyprus convention of 1878. She was later annexed by the British Empire in 1914. On August 16, 1960 Cyprus gained its independence from the United Kingdom becoming the Republic of Cyprus.

 Cyprus is separated into 2 main regions, one area is under the effective control of the Republic of Cyprus, comprising about 59% of the island's area and the other is the predominantly Turkish-Cypriot area in the north known as the  Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus , covering about 37% of the island's area. Britain still maintains sovereign military bases on the island.

 It would be expected that a nation, unlike water and oil which are unable to appear uniform and are separable, be united and habitable by her people. But the cohabitation of the Island nation by the two communities was to be made impossible by the fire of ethnic consciousness and it resulted in conflict. The Greeks with a majority population naturally clamored for union with mother Greece (Enosis) gave rise to tensions between the two communities turning into clashes with loss of lives and property and displacement of people. Such conflict creates perennial tensions and generational passage of hatred in the affected people who are directly affected or the ones to come much later through oral and written communication from parents or guardians to children. But to one side it has not only been the experience of war but also the unfair treatment of its people. It is this unfair treatment that we have come to know as the isolation of a part Cyprus, The Turkish Republic of North Cyprus.


 Northern Cyprus came into existence as both communities were unable to reach an agreement on a solution in 1983. The 1974 Turkish-occupied area declared itself the TURKISH REPUBLIC OF NORTHERN CYPRUS, recognized only by  Turkey and as such it faces an international embargo. Known as the TRNC for short, the Turkish republic of northern Cyprus has gradually but continuously developed largely due to the benevolence of mother Turkey. It has a functional and stable government like any other countries. The policy objective of the TRNC government is to secure the achievement of the highest possible growth rate c ompatible with the maintenance of economic stability, the improvement of the balance of payments, more equitable distribution of the economic burdens and the National Income, the general improvement of the standards of living and the further expansion and improvement of social services. There are three main economic sectors: Agriculture, the Manufacturing industry and Tourism. Politically, Free and fair elections have been conducted, amazingly without social unrest. Economically, her people have demonstrated through hard work their capacity for nation building credited to their consciousness and acknowledgement of a national duty. North Cyprus prides itself as a tourist destination with favorable climate, unique cuisines. Education as a tool for nation building is prioritized as seen from the development of accredited educational institutions, boasting five universities all compared to its land to population ratio.

 There have been recurrent talks on settlement and peace negotiations the most notable being the Annan plan of 2004. The reunification plan was rejected out rightly by the Greek community but favored by the Turkish community. This shows their genuine desire for a quick settlement. Recently of 2008-2009 there has been the increased possibility and willingness to solve the issue. Under the Auspices of the United Nations and a special envoy assigned to the settlement, both sides are showing cooperation and would hope to resolve the long dispute.

Name: Osayande Felix Omokaro

Near east university, North Cyprus

Email: Straightaik2malone@yahoo.com

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