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Date Published: 12/23/09



Akwa Ibom is a blessed State.  She stands tall in Nigeria as a land with great human resources; intelligent, resourceful and bold.

 Mr Udeme Nana, former Special Adviser to both Governors Victor Attah and the incumbent Chief Godswill Akpabio, is one of this stock.  As a teacher and Journalist, the man is in his own way oiling the moving wheels of Akwa Ibom politics through the pen.

 Few days ago, Udeme’s advocacy ink graced the papers again as he dedicated a half page piece in commemoration of the 71 st birthday of his political benefactor, Obong Victor Attah.

 The comment on several National and Local tabloids, titled: Victor Attah, Visionary Statesman: captured in detail, Udeme’s scorecard of Attah’s 8 year reign as the Chief Executive Officer of Akwa Ibom State.

 For all he cares, the numerous achievements of the elder Statesman have earned him a place in Nigeria’s hall of fame.   Though alive, he sits among legends like Azikiwe, Awolowo and Ahmadu Bello, all dead.

 There is no doubt that Obong (Arch) Victor Attah, the second Executive Governor of Akwa Ibom State recorded great achievements in his eight years tenure.  It is for this reason that the entire state felicitates with him and his family in this season of his birthday celebrations, and  God’s blessings and more years of good health.

 Honestly speaking, given the peaceful disposition of Akwa Ibom people and their respect for elders, Obong Attah today, like the Late Akpan Isemin, would still be an indomitable force in this sailing “Ubom Noah” but for men like Udeme Nana and their perchance for mischief.

 To a casual reader, his half-page spotlight is nothing but a befitting gift to the birthday man.  But, read in-between lines and you can spot those venoms capable of over-heating the already strained system.

 Udeme in his “Maradonic” style played around words for so long, but his concluding paragraphs gave him away.  For avoidance of doubts, let me italicize those poisons.

However, visionary governance is not only about massive constructions.  Under Attah, Akwa Ibom fared well politically.  The State was an oasis of peace, the most peaceful State in the Niger Delta Region.  There wasn’t any incidence of kidnapping or assassinations as a multi ethnic state, inter ethnic tension was absent.  The calm in Victor Attah’s Akwa Ibom came from equitable dispensation of patronage by the Governor.

As a true statesman, he stood on the side of justice and fair play to shift power to the minority Annang group in the State.

Akwa Ibom under Attah was not a very rich state but her people were not hungry, for he initiated policies which empowered his people directly..

At this juncture, it is necessary to recall that Obong Victor Attah had in this same manner this year, written an open letter to Chief Godswill Akpabio, his successor.  The letter which was published in Nigerian Newspapers, criticized in no friendly tone Akpabio’s many developmental projects which to everyone else but Attah and his minions is placing Akwa Ibom on the world economic bay.

 Attah, in that letter saw nothing good in Akpabio’s leadership style but like his protégée, singled out his massive infrastructural developments for slaughter.  Of course he got a well deserving response from the entire Akwa Ibom people,  both at home and in the Diaspora.

 Now just as everyone is beginning to sheath their sword as a result of Akpabio’s many more goodwill to the state, for he promised to reply his critics with more achievements, Udeme pulls the trigger again.

The question is, why is Attah and his comrades afraid of massive infrastructural development?

When did it become a sin for a leader to deliver to his people his electoral promises?  If the issue is about good governance in Akwa Ibom State, if it is about comparing Attah with Akpabio as is obvious in his article, then Udeme should know that the evidence is embarrassingly clear.

Attah may be a visionary leader, but Akwa Ibom people were tired of seeing tomorrow when today was not even in their grip.

 Great leadership is known by two things: words and deeds.

Akpabio spoke in 2007 promising a new dawn for his people.  Convinced of his ability, they trooped out en masse to vote him into office.  Next of course, came deeds.

 Within two years of his administration, the entire state has become a construction site.   480 villages have been linked to the national electricity grid..  So far Akpabio has constructed  and rehabilitated 168 State and Federal roads covering over 600kmtrs of road have been completed in the State and Udeme calls that mere “massive construction”.

 Agreed, Akwa Ibom was the most peaceful State in the Niger Delta Region under Attah but that has not changed.   She still is!  Can any honest Nigerian blame Akpabio for kidnapping in the Niger Delta, Eastern Nigeria and now the North when He himself has fought it to standstill?  His water tight security network is almost unrivalled in the Country.    Let it be known that but for pockets of minor kidnapping incidences, Akwa Ibom has been generally peaceful throughout the Akpabio era.

 Few years before this, it was not the case.  Large scale and organized kidnap incidents were recorded in Eket, Ikot Abasi and Uyo, as Tens of rich oil workers suffered the unfortunate hands of these terrorists.  Udeme himself knows that this has now become history.


 Attah may have stood for power shift to Annang, but rather than wait for a round of applause, our dear former Governor vehemently rooted for his “uncharismatic” son-in-law as Governor, thereby throwing the whole process into a show of shame that he himself is yet to recover from.

 Akwa Ibom State under Attah, according to Udeme, was not a very rich state unfortunately, but can we tell the story of Akwa Ibom’s wealth today without the dogged fight put-up by Akpabio in recovering her stolen oil wells?

 Akwa Ibom people may not have been hungry then, but they were not in any way full either.  One word speaks if all today when the issue of good governance and its effect on the people is concerned in Akwa Ibom State, “Ado Ok”.  Attempting therefore to outline Akpabio’s achievements in this singular piece will only amount to boring the readers.  They sure live with it.  You may need to take a trip to the state if you are not here to see things for yourself.

 The truth is that one cannot compare Attah’s modest achievement in his 8 years tenure to what Akpabio has recorded in just two years.

Our dear Udeme, those flagship projects of Attah mentioned by you like: Ibom Airport, Ibom Power plant, Le’Meridien Hotel etc are only on records of achievements today because Akpabio in his sincerity was determined to pick them up from nowhere to limelight considering that state funds, not Attah’s were used in initiating them.

 Who in the history of Akwa Ibom has united her people like the Iberedem Ibibio, Nta-Nta Offiong Annang, Atta of Eket, Unwana Oron and of course Uko Akwa Ibom, His Excellency, Chief Godswill Akpabio?

 There is no doubt that Akwa Ibom has since inception been blessed with good leadership, therefore, Attah could stand out among his peers as distinguished.  But when tempted by political issues like Udeme’s provoking article to compare, the quintessential Akpabio is second to none.

 In any case, it is the dream of any sincere leader that his successor surpasses his records as far as the beneficiaries are the people.  How come it is different in Attah’s case?

 Your dance steps are clear brother Udeme!

 Ride on!

Abasianam Umahnn writes from Uyo, Akwa Ibom State

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