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Date Published: 01/08/10



I have called Chief Ikedi Godson Ohakim the Governor of Imo State a thief. I have equally called him a criminal who is the number one thieving Governor in Nigeria. I have severally proved beyond all reasonable doubt that I am absolutely right in my assertion that Ikedi Godson Ohakim is what I insist he is. He is even worse than a rogue.

        The debacle that  have become the scam Adhoc Probe Panel set up by the Speaker of Imo State House of Assembly is a clear testimony that there is a conspiracy between the legislature and the Executive to protect Ikedi Ohakim and prevent him from being exposed as a rogue in the eyes of the law. There has been  persistent and consistent calls in so many quarters urging the now caged and thoroughly embarrassed Imo House of Assembly to invite this writer (Mr. Ikenna Samuelson Iwuoha) along with his conditions to prove all his allegations against the Governor of Imo State Chief Ikedi Godson Ohakim.

 The Imo State House of Assembly has resisted this call, yet the Speaker of the Assembly by the prompting of Ikedi Godson Ohakim set up the so called probe panel. The panel was set up by Speaker Goodluck Opia in August 2009 with a mandate to conclude report on or before 30 th September 2009. The chairman of the Probe Panel is Hon. Chief (Dr) Sam-Daddy Anyanwu. It should be noted that the panel went on air (television, Radio etc.) requesting from members of the public with any information that suggest that Governor Ikedi Godson Ohakim is corrupt should come forward and prove it. On this premise I Ikenna Samuelson stepped out on the 14 th of September 2009 with a letter to the Chairman of the Probe Panel, Hon Chief (Dr) Sam _Daddy Anyanwu. I also attached a previous letter to the Speaker of the Assembly. Those letters are today public document. I also sent a reminder letter to the probe panel on the 21 st of September 2009. That letter is also equally a public document today. It should be noted that their inability to invite me to appear before the so called probe panel motivated me to write to EFCC on the 26ht of September 2009. That letter to EFCC is today a public document. Infact an Owerri – Imo State based Newspaper “NIGERIAN – STARPOST” published that letter to EFCC as a front cover story few days later. The probe panel members responded by moving round Imo State with well armed mobile policemen and bought off thousands of copies of that publication from the newsstand. Again it should be noted that the probe panel which hurriedly adjourned “sine-die” on the 16 th of September 2009 to avoid  inviting me suddenly  reconvened one and half  Months later to sit. They sat and agreed to table the matter before the House of Assembly session. Shamelessly the Assembly sat on the 17 th of November 2009 and declared two people who never wrote petitions against the Governor wanted. The two persons are (1) Chief Orji Uzor Kalu) The former Governor of Abia State) and 92) Mr. Maximus Uba (the publisher of Weekend Mail).

Despite calls from so- many quarters to Imo State House of Assembly urging them to invite me to come and prove my allegations, they have shamelessly  refused  to do so. It is highly very despicable for a legislature whose task is to uphold the rule of law to turn a blind eye, deaf ear, and develop a k-leg to the patriotic demand of Imo citizens that Mr Ikenna Samuelson Iwuoha should be invited (along with his conditions) to testify in a case of corrupt enrichment and looting of the resources of Imo State by Chief Ikedi Godson Ohakim.

Let me now state it clearly that I can no longer continue to wait for the invitation. Conversely while still waiting for the invitation, I have decided to bang my head on the brick wall. What do I mean? Although I have already proved that Ikedi Ohakim is both a thief and criminal in my 338 published write-ups, viewpoints, articles and stories, it is still pertinent for the reading public to know the stealing network of Chief Ikedi Ohakim. The stealing network of Chief Ikedi Godson Ohakim has six major legs and so many minor legs. The minor legs are already public knowledge because I have adumbrated on   them in my various view points and stories published. The six major legs are as follows:

1.                Mr Chikwem Onuoha -  aixs

2.                Mr. Emma Ohakim  - axis

3.                Mr. Goodluck Opia led IMHA  - axis.

4.                Mr Kezie Ogaziechi  -  axis

5.                Mr. George Irechukwu  -  axis

6.                Mr. Willie Amadi  -  axis

As a patriotic citizen, I have taken the gauntlet to expose the various roles the above six variables played in assisting Chief Ikedi Godson Ohakim to evacuate the resources of Imo State into his pockets. The first leg is the Mr Chikwem Onuoha axis. I have captioned it “CHIKWEM ONUOHA: The Face of a money launderer in Imo”. It has two parts.

The reading public  can now READ ON.


ACT I SCENE I:  Mr Chikwem Onuoha and Ikedi Ohakim met for the First time allegedly in 2005 when the Imo Transformation Initiative (ITI) was formed as a socio-political group whose aim and objectives was to stop and blackmail some prominent sons and daughters of Imo State from contesting elective posts come 2007. Along the line, when a renowned traditional ruler Late Eze Dr Zeb Philips Nwosu died in 2006, members of the ITI came together and agreed to make contributions which will be used to assist in giving the late traditional ruler a befitting burial. An alleged sum of N7.2m was raised but Chief Ikedi Godson Ohakim made away with the money from Sheraton Hotel Lagos.

ACT 2 SCENE I: When the conspiracy to impose Chief Ikedi Godson Ohakim as the Governor was hatched by Professor Maurice Iwu, Olusegun Obasanjo and others, Chikwem Onuoha was one of the people who raised money for Ohakim which was used for political negotiations. Mr. Chikwem  Onuoha allegedly raised the sum of N5 million for Ohakim. Although Mr. Chikwem Onuoha was not relatively rich as at that time, he raised the said sum through his contacts. Before this period Mr. Chikwem was just the usual “businessman”. For the purpose of this write-up, I will avoid exposing the “aspect” of business he was involved in but he has contacts  in South Africa. A country  he visited for the first time in the year 2000 and stayed in the house of an Imo son for six months before he found his way. He has three wives. Two South African wives and one Ideato born wife, yet he is roughly 43 years.CHIKWEM is from umuaro  Osu in Isiala-Mbano LGA  of  IMO State.

ACT 2 SCENE 2 After Chief Ikedi Gidson Ohakim was sworn-in as the Governor of Imo State on the 29 th of May 2007, different positions were offered to Mr chikwem Onuoha who rejected them all. He told Ohakim that he wanted a special post which will enable him to be on the “move” always. Chief Ikedi Godson Ohakim understood the “Format”, hence he offered Mr. Chikwem Onuoha the post of Special Assistant on “Special Duties”. That Chikwem Onuoha  is powerful is an understatement. While Dr Ada Okwuonu is “just” a Deputy Governor, Professor Maurice Iwu is the “Assistant Governor” with Cosmas Iwu, his son-inlaw, his daughter as his eyes in Ohakim leadership. But Mr. Chikwem Onuoha is viewed as the “Vice Governor” thereby making him a powerful man in Ohakim’s cabinet. Professor Maurice Iwu is the person protecting Chief Ikedi Ohakim from prosecution by EFCC, ICPC, Code of Conduct Bureau and the Force headquarters Abuja. Infact Professor Maurice Iwu’s personal Assistant is the person doing media protection for Chief Ikedi Ohakim.

        The Question now is, why and what makes Chikwem Onuoha thick and powerful? Why is he always in South Africa, America, London, Dublin, Germany, Lagos, Abuja, Malaysia, China, Dubai etc? What really is his job as the Special Assistant on Special Duties?

ACT 2 SCENE 3:   As far as Ikedi Ohakim and Chikwem Onuoha  are concerned, the function of Special Assistant on special Duties are as follows:

(A)            Money Laundering

(B)            Arranging and importing girls for the Governor.

(C)            Buying personal properties for the Governor with State funds.

(D)           And other Special supplies and contracts.

I will now take these issues  one after the other.

MONEY LAUNDERING : Mr. Chikwem Onuoha is the major conduit pipe through which Chief Ikedi Ohakim siphons Imo State funds and resources out of Nigeria. In simple form, Chikwem Onuoha does money laundering for Chief Ikedi Ohakim. The question now is,  what is money laundering? Money laundering as a criminal offense is the transfer of money obtained illegally to foreign banks, some businesses and other illegal means etc. as to disguise its original source. An instance of  this, is to launder money with the disguise of looking for foreign investors to come to Imo State to establish the following.

1.                The Oguta Wonderland

2.                The Royal Oak Refinery

3.                Mid-Western airlines

4.                The IRROMA Trucks and Caterpillars etc.

The questions being asked are: (1) where are these projects? (2) Are they white elephants projects? (3) The IRROMA equipments launched on the 15 th of November 2008, where are they today?

        Furthermore I need to state clearly that through the aforementioned methods, Mr Chikwem Onuoha laundered money for Ikedi Ohakim. The laundered State funds were used to buy personal properties for Ikedi Ohakim in London, America, South Africa, Gambia and investment in China and Malaysia.

        Currently, Mr. Chikwem Onuoha is building a 7 – Star superlative Hotel for Ikedi Ohakim  in South Africa. This is 27 million dollar Hotel Project in South Africa being built with Imo State funds, yet the masses are hungry. The Hotel is 72% completed in preparation for 2010 World Cup. Mr. Chikwem  Onuoha has apart from the Hotel under serious construction bought so many several properties for Ikedi Ohakim in South Africa alone with State funds. However, human factor played a part later which made Chief Ikedi Ohakim to quarrel with Chikwem Onuoha. What is this human factor?  When Mr. Chikwem Onuoha saw that he has bought several properties for Ikedi Ohakim using State funds and nothing   really for himself, he decided to play a fast one on Ohakim when the next “runs” presents itself. This opportunity showed itself about eleven months ago when Chief Ikedi Ohakim gave Mr. Chikwem Onuoha the sum of  N346 million naira for onward “movement” to South Africa for the on-going Hotel project. Chikwem Onuoha “died” the money but came back to Ohakim few days later to “complain” that he “lost” the money at the airport. On the spur of moment, Ohakim knew that Chikwem had outsmarted him. There and then Ohakim demanded from Chikwem Onuoha the documents for the other properties in South Africa. However, at this point Chikwem knew that once he gives Ohakim those documents that Ohakim would just drop him or even mess him up. So he decided to play the hardman. He refused to handover the documents to ohakim. In the process both men quarreled bitterly at chikwem Onuoha’s house at off Dick-Tiger Street, federal Housing estate owerri. Thereafter Ohakim threatened to drop Mr. Chikwem Onuoha as his S/A on Special Duties. Chikwem Ohuoha on his own part challenged Ohakim to drop him and suffer the consequences. At that point Ohakim came to his senses and realized that he had been outwitted once again. As a hot head who talks and acts before he thinks he left Chikwem house in annoyance but returned the next day. This time around Ohakim was “sober”. He knelt down allegedly before Chikwem Onuoha in his house and begged him to let by-gone be by-gone and that “they are into this thing together”. Chikwem refused to listen to him. Chief Ikedi Ohakim also complained to Chikwem’s mother who was staying in the village.

        Chikwem’s mother left the village and came to Owerri to talk to his son. She pleaded with Chikwem to release those documents to Ikedi Ohakim. Mr Chikwem still refused. Rather he gave conditions   which includes (1) contracts (2) ownership of some of the properties in South Africa. Chief Ikedi Ohakim agreed and it was shared in the ratio of 7 is to 3. That is Ohakim 70% while Chikwem 30%. It was after these that the document were released accordingly. Today Mr. Chikwem Onuoha, Ikedi Ohakim and Chioma Ohakim are the three people supervising the Hotel project in South Africa.


        As a Special Assistant on “Special Duties”, Mr Chikwem Onuoha imports girls from South Africa, London, Abuja etc with State funds for Ikedi Ohakim. For so many reasons I will not like to go in details. But if I am challenged to do so, then I will have to open the “Pandora box”. My concentration is on the fraud and money laundering  aspect of this revelation.

        Nonetheless it should be noted that Mr. Chikwem Onuoha is controlling and coordinating Mafia activities in Imo State Governments hence his residence at Off Dick-Tiger street is always full of activities. Most of these activities are executed by his “trusted” driver Emmanuel who is from the Western part of Nigeria (yorubaland). If Chikwem is traveling to South Africa today, Emmanuel will go ahead to “wait” for him. If he is traveling to London now, this same Emmanuel will still go ahead to “wait” for him. The question is, why should an ordinary driver be given executive treatment? The truth is that Emmanuel is the conduit through which Mr. Chikwem Onuoha “carries out” his assignment for Chief Ikedi Ohakim. Also Emma does some personal “runs” for Ikedi Ohakim directly. For his “efforts” he has been rewarded handsomely. He is a proud owner of so many plots of land in Owerri and Lagos. He is also allegedly building a two-storey building in Lagos State where his wife stays.  

        Chikwem’s personal Assistant (PA) is one Mr. okorie from Anambra State. His steward is from Calabar while his cook is from Akwa-Ibom. All the people working for him are not from Imo State. This is deliberate just to prevent betrayal and leaking of information. Again it should be noted that Mr. Chikwem Onuoha is protected and guarded as if he is the Governor of the State. He has five mobile policemen guarding his house. “An ordinary S/A indeed”.


AFTER Ikedi Ohakim agreed to the demand of Chikwem Onuoha as per his conditions before he released those documents, Ikedi Ohakim gave him some road contracts. Some of the roads are located in Mbano axis. Infact, Ohakim signed the contract papers beside the swimming pool in Chikwem’s house in Owerri. The Governor also allegedly gave Chikwem the contract to supply Toyota Corolla cars to Imo Transport Company  I.T.C. It should be noted that Mr. Chikwem executed that supply through his younger brother named UCHE. Because this his younger brother has a big head, he is called UCHE ISHI-UKWU. He supplied only about thirty (30) cars to ITC, where as full payment was paid for about one hundred cars (100). The question is, where are the remaining seventy (70) cars.

        Chikwem’s other younger brother has also benefited from the fraudulent windfall of this car supply scam. His name is Collins. He is a proud owner of Honda Saloon Car (End of discussion) and lives in expensive hotels in Owerri, Port Harcourt, Lagos and Abuja, apart from his three bedroom apartment in Lagos. Uche ISHI-Ukwu  is currently building a three storey building at No 65 Bode-Thomas Street, Surulere Lagos State.

        Chikwem Onuoha on his part has several houses in Lagos, Abuja, Owerri, South-Africa etc. He is currently allegedly renovating his house at Victoria Garden city Lagos at the cost of over N200million naira. Not long ago in August 2009, a portion of his private house at Off Dick-Tiger street Owerri went in flames. He spent more than N20million naira to fix the house and to replace burnt furniture.

        The questions now are, what is the salary of a special Assistant to the Governor in Imo State? Where did Mr. Chikwem Onuoha get the money he allegedly used to buy a manufacturing Company in South Africa late last year? What is the relationship between Chikwem Onouha, Ikedi Ohakim and the so-called Royal Oak Refinery Project that is not in existence even though over N2 billion naira has been committed to it? What is the relationship between Chikwem Onuoha, Ikedi ohakim and so called Oguta wonderland? Where are the IRROMA tractors and caterpillars of which over N4billion naira was used to purchase them? Even though the money was being laundered before it was allegedly intercepted at the airport but lies were told that it was for “IRROMA equipment”. Our  12 billion naira  ecological  fund, where is it?

        In the part two of this revelation, I will conclude my episode on Mr. Chikwem Onuoha. I will also make available pictures of the properties acquired with stolen State funds by  Ikedi Ohakim and  Chikwem Onuoha. This strategy is to enable Imo citizens to know why there is no development going on in Imo State. I once again re-state very clearly that Ikedi Godson Ohakim is a criminal of the first order.

        My anger against bad leadership, looting of State funds, destruction of properties of innocent citizens, mismanagement of leadership and devaluation of leadership in Imo State by Ikedi Godson Ohakim is in obedience to Almighty God.


Ikenna Samuelson Iwuoha

Facilitator – SLAP Initiative

0703 2934037


Plot 98 Ikenegbu layout extension

Owerri- imo State Nigeria.

 1st December, 2009

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