Date Published: 01/23/10
The gains of pains By EMMANUEL UDOM
THE hellish story of Femi Akinola, a friend and worker in Lagos, Nigeria clearly shows that embedded in every pain an individual, state, or nation is passing through, there is gain that will leave the person or nation more knowledgeable, experienced and fulfilled.
For about six years, Akinola literally passed though hell, trying to find total and permanent cure for the many ailments he was being afflicted with.
According to him, I spent thousands in dollars and naira, while jumping from pillar to post in an attempt to cure my chronic pile, hemorrhoid, bloody tool and severe constipation.
Most orthodox and unorthodox doctors who attended to me, continuously assured me that I will be cured in due time, while collecting money from me.
Down but not out, Akinola called on God almighty to intervene in his situation and God seemed to have answered his prayers, when all hope was lost.
Today, the Lagos based worker, who has in the last six years spent fortunes running from pillar to post in search of cure for his ailments, was eventually directed by God to some natural and simple ways of curing the ailments using natural herbal products that are found in our backyards and bushes all over the globe.
Akinola said that he discovered through divine intervention that the time a
persons with any or all of the above mentioned ailment wakes up in the morning, eats breakfast, does his or her exercises,etc plays a vital role in the management and cure of the ailments.
Since he made this recovery, he has helped many persons across the globe with the ailments to find total and permanent cure for the ailments
Apart from this, Akinola recently opened a website:, where is selling an e-book online for persons inflicted with the ailments.
Without sounding like a public relations consultant or a marketer for Akinola, my friend, I honestly feel that persons inflicted across the world from these ailments should know of the existence of this website
Humanity should share in the discovery of this Youngman, who out of frustrations eventually found a cure the natural, simple and cost effective ways of curing the ailments.