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Date Published: 02/09/10



The political situation in Nigeria has continually declined from the cities down to small villages and towns that are suppose to feel the joy of politics at the grassroots. In-spite of the fact that politicians and political office holders visibly see the pains the general populace go through in their daily lives, they still engage in promises that are never fulfilled. The lies associated with polities have not only leaded to a total breakdown of the political system in Nigeria, it has also created unnecessary enemies among communities, friends, relatives, political rivals etc. In the western world, political office seekers are allowed to engage themselves in a roundtable debate where selected individuals or groups are given the privilege to administer questions bothering on issues of importance. During this question and answer sections on political office holders and seekers, it is possible for the entire constituency with which they represent to contribute either by emails, telephone or any other provided electronic means. In some cases, public rallies are organized where the political office holders have the privilege to speak to the masses. In such rallies protest and criticism are entertained for positive change. 

This has not been the case in the Nigerian political system. In the Nigerian political system, most political office holders/seekers engage themselves is cheap lies to deceive the populace with which they intend to govern or are already governing. They score grate political points from making promises never to be fulfilled and at the same time engage in attacks on political rivals, groups or individuals who intend to stand by the truth. This is not a true democracy and with this we can not attain grate political heights. Nigerians who engage in cheap political lies for the sake of one benefit or the other should have a rethink about the future. In a society where there is no thought about the future generation unborn, there is never a positive preparation. Nigerian both in the rural and urban areas should stop the act of spreading lies to politicians for the sake of financial, social or moral benefits. We should learn to face the facts and be bold to say it right or wrong when things are politically going wrong. Through positive political criticism, politicians in Nigeria will accept the facts that cheap lies will not help develop social economic strives rather it will only lead to a continual downfall in our political system and developmental strides. 

The Benin-Lagos road as well as other roads in Nigeria is a good example of political lies that have been associated with the Nigeria polities for over 12 years. Billions of Nigeria is usually voted into these projects annually and tagged completed with the funds extorted. These roads have remained in their same state for about 12 years and it is now a night mare traveling from Benin to Lagos and also other parts of Nigeria. The issue of roads is not the only problem we Nigerians face. Recently, the minister for power promised Nigerians improved electricity and a possible 6000 megawatts before the end of December 2009 only for him to bounce back to say that there is shortage of gas as as such the promise will not be attainable by December. What then must have happened to the billions of Nigeria that were voted into this project?  Political offices holders as well as Nigerians in General should stop the use of lies in attaining grater heights or cheap recognition. A house built with lies can not stand the test of time before it completely crumbles. Nigerian political office holders should embrace criticism that could help move the Nation forward rather than creating enemies with individuals or group who stand by the truth. 
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