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Date Published: 02/12/10

Professor Iwu’s Dereliction of Duty –You are fired period! By Owunari Hopkins-Amachree


Verdict001: “In Nigeria there should be no place for Old men like Professor Maurice Iwu, their place should be in OBJ’s Snake Island” Professor Maurice Iwu you are hereby fired and arrested for sabotaging the Nigerian election, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say will be held against you.

In the 2007 movie “No Country for Old Men” The character Anton Chigurh (Jarvie Bardem) is an emotionless, compassionless killing machine. His inability to comprehend human life is matched only by his ability to take it, as he does with ruthless abandon throughout the running of No Country for Old Men.” This movie and the summary above about the character of Anton Chigurth reminds me of the ruthless evil called Professor Iwu and the politician he imposed on all of us, who does not care about what happen to the Nigerian people for their evil deeds against the Nigerian people –their goal is the position of power no matter what happen to the main street Nigerians and their political opponent dead or alive.

If a job is given to someone and that person cannot deliver on his or her assigned duty and unable to live up to the responsibilities of that office, the moral, social and economical obligation is either the person resign or get fired. The question here is, is there anything in our constitution that specifically says that the INEC chairman must serve out his term even if he or she sleeps on duty, fall of the wagon or committed a punishable offence against the nation? Is it not nigh Professor Iwu is put in his proper place so that he can pay for all the evil he has bequeathed on the Nigerian people? Instead of allowing him and his fellow evil men and women to misrule, steal, run ring and waste our common wealth without shame to the detriment of all us. 

Already INEC officials responsible to use the tax payer’s money to conduct a free and fair election for the Nigerian people are already playing the blame game and crying wolf in the Anambra state gubernatorial election.

 The questions here are:

Is it the responsibility of the police to register voters and keep the data consistent and non-repudiated?

Is it the responsibility of the law enforcement agency to ensure that those registered to vote see their name on the list?

Is it part of our constitution that makes it a law for INEC to publish voters register in a specific minimum number of days before an election? Was this done by INEC?

Is it the responsibility of the police to ensure smooth transfer of election materials to the polling booths and facilitate adequate arrangement to enable law enforcement officers know their ward of assignment.

Is Iwu’s INEC unable to keep record of voter’s registration or is it deliberate?

Where is Iwu’s mega computerization of INEC that he spent billions of Naira and bragged about it in camera?

Where is Iwu’s satellite reporting facility?

Where is the best election and example to other countries boastful Iwu promised all of us?

Will there be an investigation into why majority of voters name were missing in the voters register? If there will be, will it be made public and culprit(s) punished appropriately?

It takes Iwu’s INEC a free database application like MYSQL to register voters, delete , invalidate names; update register, purge voters register, secure voters register  etc that guarantees confidentiality, Integrity and availability - all they need is to pay fellow Nigerians a very little money that they can comfortable design that very simple and effective database in customized manner for INEC. We don’t need to re-invent the wheel, but we can comfortably apply the invention of the wheel to make things easier and more transparent to deliver quality, effective and efficient service to our citizens.

 “Vox populi, vox dei”, as such Power belongs to the people, and the deprivation of the people from choosing their leaders means opposing the will of God and those who perpetuate such evil should not go free without appropriate punishment.

I am absolutely not surprised about the outcome of all the elections that Professor Iwu has conducted including the most recent Anambara Gubernatorial election of February 6, 2010, but my surprise is the shamelessness with which Prof Iwu continue to dish out one lie after another , one corruption after the other and refused to go away. When I was growing up I reverence old men…In them I see my headmaster father who thought me the virtue of hard work, truthfulness, dedication, discipline, honesty, compassion and the ability to discern between good and evil and do and follow good irrespective of the direction the crowd might follow, but in Prof Iwu and most of the leaders of our nation I see old men as very corrupt, lazy. liars, undisciplined bunch, betrayers of our nation,  thieves and evil men that do not care a hoot on what happens to our nation for their irresponsible actions, selfishness and behaviors. Hello, Is there any elder there in the corridor of power that can be truthful and tell fellow Nigerians that he or she has never put his or her hand in our collective cookie jar and stole our common wealth to stupor? Hello is someone listening or did someone hear me?

The obvious truth is INEC under the purview of Prof Iwu have done a great disservice, damage, evil and caused death directly or indirectly to many citizens and to our nation due to his and co travelers dereliction of duty, mismanagement of the money of the Nigerian people and imposed criminals on all of us as leaders, imposed wolf’s in sheep skin as leaders, imposed evil on the Nigerian people, imposed collective psychological and physiological torture on all of our souls.

Under Iwu’s evil, we have completely lost our ability to kick out criminals in the corridors of power through the powers and sacred of our vote granted to us as free citizens of Nigeria by the constitution. The injustice, the lost and trauma caused by Iwu and his co traveler’s misdeed cannot be equated to any amount of monetary or material restitution, it is simply despicable and mind boggling. Professor Iwu does not have a soul to say the least.

Since the April 2007 election, more than 100 candidates election results has been invalidated by different courts and electoral tribunals and most often the Judges in obvious anger has lampooned INEC  in their failure to follow the constitution to conduct a free and fair election.

What has even disturbed me most and I am deeply sad about is that last Saturday 6 th February a day Anambara people bravely came out in mass irrespective of the tense atmosphere that is pervasive and dangerous of our every election in Nigeria to perform their basic civic duty to elect their Governor, Professor Iwu and his evil empire INEC deprived majority of them that right to choose their leader in broad daylight, poking his nose at them and threw his shoe at them as Iraqi’s will do to their greatest enemy. Professor Iwu once again showed his irresponsibility, laziness, lack of direction and vision and bungle under all sort of illegalities again  and again, and presently looking for an escape goat again to blame for an election that he has a golden opportunity to deliver free and fair.

Last year’s failure of INEC is due to desperate politicians, this year it is the fault of the law enforcement agent. Who knows next year it will be the fault of Iwu’s kinsmen who are envious of his “achievements” at INEC. And just today INEC is telling all of us that, politicians infiltrated their voter’s register, which is why many voters name is missing in the register, what a belated and feeble reason. I hope to hear further from INEC and the law enforcement agents those who are responsible for the infiltration and manipulation of the voters register as it is regrettably a serious crime against the Nigerian people – the Nigerian people need to know who their true enemies are.

I strongly believe that, our ability to succeed as a country is our ability to first of all ensure a cleanup of that Augean house called INEC, because any day INEC will have a true leader that will conduct a free and fair election that will be the day we will start the journey to El Dorado. The success or otherwise of our dear country presently do not depend on the actions of the Presidency, National assembly, Governors, States Assembly, Local Government council, but in the ability of INEC to conduct a credible election where the inalienable right of the Nigerian people to vote or be voted for and their vote most of the time at least is counted and guaranteed. In this the Nigerian people will be given back the power to hire and fire their leaders through the ballot box anytime any day. Until this terribly stinking house called INEC is cleaned up and decency brought to their leadership, we might as well forget a decent election and a decent country for years to come. The INEC leadership and staff must be credible and totally separated from the power and influence of the federal, state and local government.

Professor Maurice Iwu is an irredeemable bad character and bad example to our society, pathological liar, lazy, wicked, selfish and heartless and a shameless sad old man holding on to the last straw of his life. He does not in any way qualify for the position of INEC chairman for which he is presently occupying. Only thing fit to the man called Professor Iwu is to fire him and arrest him and try him for crime against the Nigerian people. He has clearly sabotaged our country time and time again and put the Nigerian people in harm’s way directly and indirectly via his manipulations and cooking of INEC documents in favor of one candidate against the other, wasted the money of the Nigerian people through all sort of illegalities-like life lost due to unnecessary violence, money wasted on unnecessary litigations because of shabby job done by INEC, money wasted by illegal winners of public office who are not fit to lead. When incompetent men and women are handed over our collective will and future to manage at the detriment of all of us, our kids and generations unborn and our entire country, then we are exposed to serious danger and risk.

Absolutely there should be no country for Old men like Prof Iwu and co-travelers.

Congratulations Good and Courageous People of Anambra and Governor Obi

This piece will not be complete if I fail to recognize the immeasurable contribution of the citizens of Anambra which spoiled and frustrated the rigging machine of INEC and co. Anambra people have shown a serious unprecedented example of perseverance and courage to fight evil in all ramifications. They have shown the whole country on how to foil election rigging. I will like to congratulate Anambra people who I consider myself one –after living there better part of my youth for defying that evil of INEC and protecting their votes, even when INEC denied majority of them their right to vote through inconsistent voters register.

Anambra people have started the process and journey of weeding out those evil and corrupt men who have continued to pauperize and traumatize the Nigerian people unabated. I also congratulate the Internet community, and the Media houses that participated in reporting the election minute by minute, hour by hour specifically Nigeria Village Square, Next, Sahara Reporters and ordinary Nigerians, as their immeasurable contribution and information made it impossible for INEC to manipulate the results. Also those Law enforcement officers and INEC officers who refused to follow the norm and did the right thing for the Nigerian people so that the vote of the people at least for the first time in recent time and memory was counted – their courage and hard work is absolutely recognized, encouraged and appreciated --for that I say big thank you.

Less I forget, congratulations, Governor Obi for defying the odds, remaining steadfast in your believes, without intimidating your opponents or running them out of town or the road, allowing them to comfortably run their campaign freely without intimidation, no threat of assassination or molestation, no bribing of the state assembly even when they attempted to impeach and finally impeached you, you followed due process to win back your position- which majority of the other gubernatorial candidates could not have given to you or stomach for a minute if they were on the other side of the aisle as the sitting Governor.

Governor Obi, you might not be perfect, but you have shown uncommon courage, faith, dedication, gentleness and character that deserve absolute encouragement, admiration and an example worthy of duplication in our country. You won my trust and majority of other Nigerians especially the good people of Anambra state. Governor Peter Obi, you have a political capital that is the mandate of the good people of Anambra state -- use it for the good of Anambra people and serve them resolutely without wavering from the very bottom of your heart.

As for Professor Soludo, Anambra people are very smart. They wisely separated the seed from the chaff, which also confirms my serious reservation about the ebullient Professor long since his tenure as CBN governor, looking at his pedigree as he will rightly say –the Anambra people know and understand their own…they separated the men from the boys period.

For Dr Nigige, Anambra people did not forget in a hurry the 30 months torture he and the Uba brothers put them through. For Andy Uba if wise enough, can see how much Anambra people love him for the ignominious role he and OBJ played in torturing them through executive recklessness and wickedness. The sins of men live with them and not after them. And for other candidates in the Anambra gubernatorial election, I know little about you, but I will like to thank you for allowing justice, fair play and peace to rain during and after the election.

My message to Professor Iwu and co-travelers is, with or without them Nigeria will be rebuilt again, light will triumph over darkness and good will trounce evil at all times in our nation. The tired feet of the main street Nigerian people perpetuated by bad, wicked and corrupt leadership will be healed, refreshed and rejuvenated again to face the challenges ahead to rebuild our Nation for the common good and common wealth.

God bless the men and women of goodwill of Nigeria and bless our Nation as a whole.

Owunari “Onari” Hopkins-Amachree is an Information Technology Professional lives in Phoenix, Arizona.

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