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Date Published: 02/13/10



The night season in a person’s life is that time when nothing seems to work in his/her favor – it seems like either God is far away, does not answer prayers anymore, or has forgotten that one exists. Some believers at that time confess both the sins they have committed and the ones they have not. Everybody goes through the nighttime at one point and in one area of life or the other. It may be a health issue, childlessness, a broken or troubled marriage, wayward children, a crumbling business, joblessness, financial problem, or even problem with one’s ministry. Some people spend their nighttime weeping, grumbling, complaining, murmuring, etc., while others choose to pray and worship God like Paul and Silas did (which is the right choice).

Deuteronomy 30:1 and several other scriptures say, “And it shall come to pass…” Also Matthew 7:28 and many others say, “And it came to pass…” One of the things we should understand from these scriptures is that there is no problem that is meant to last forever. For every problem we go through there is a time that our Father has appointed for our deliverance or breakthrough. That is the morning time – the time when a sister finally settles down in marriage with her God-given man after several years of loneliness; the time when a couple receives their first baby after years of childlessness; the time when one receives a long-awaited financial breakthrough; the time when healing occurs in body, marriage, ministry, etc. When the morning comes, Psalm 30:5 tells us that joy comes as well. This joy sends us into a time of celebration.

Now, note what 1 st Samuel 19:11 says, “ Saul also sent messengers unto David's house, to watch him, and to slay him in the morning…” Just like Saul sent people to kill David in the morning, so the enemy of our soul has evil plans he would like to execute against us in the morning time – the time when we are celebrating our deliverance. What the devil wants to kill ultimately is a believer’s relationship with God, so that that believer could end up in hell. And one of the things he attacks and tries to kill in order to achieve this is the believer’s prayer life. He also tries to kill one’s love for the Word, Christian fellowship, and even the company of other believers. Remember what Genesis 3:1 says about the devil, “Now the serpent was more subtle (crafty, cunning, sly, devious, tricky, deceitful, wily…) than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made…” Many believers in their morning time fail to recognize the enemy’s plot especially because of the subtle way in which he carries it out, so he ends up succeeding. That is why some believers become prayerless after receiving a much-desired breakthrough; some stop studying the scriptures, going to church as regularly as they used to, or associating with other believers.

What are the devil’s “messengers” that kill believers in the morning? Lack of self-control is one of them. The Bible commands us to practice moderation (Philippians 4:5). This means that we should beware of carrying things (including the celebration of victory) to excess. Restraint, self-control, temperance, self-discipline, etc. are a must-have if we want to remain alive when the night is over and the morning comes. We must not leave the Holy Spirit out of our celebrations, but remain under His control and keep our ears open to hear Him – He will know when we are about to cross the limits and will point it out to us.

Ignorance of the moves of the flesh and where each of them is leading is another “messenger”. Always remember that our flesh is not working for us nor for God but for the devil. The flesh will suggest to a brother that now that God has given him financial breakthrough he should begin to enjoy everything that money can buy to which he did not have access. This appears to be innocent and lawful especially if one had been deprived for a very long time. However, Paul said in 1 st Corinthians 6:12 that “All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient (necessary, advisable, advantageous, beneficial, useful, valuable, helpful, gainful, profitable): all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.” It is good to enjoy the benefits of the Lord but we have to know when the flesh is suggesting more than what is necessary so that we don’t end up going deeper into that “enjoyment” and farther from the Lord.

Laxity on the part of the believer is another thing the devil takes advantage of to kill in the morning. When someone is in need, he prays, fasts, studies the Word, tries to pursue holiness, attends church programs sometimes in the hope that a word concerning his situation would come from the pulpit, etc. Once victory is won some consciously or unconsciously try to relax just for a while. But once a believer slows down in the things of God the devil moves in swiftly to either push him out completely or at least ensure that he never regains lost speed. Whatever good thing you are doing in your nighttime, stand firm in it when the morning comes. Think of other “messengers” that Satan sends to kill believers in the morning.

No matter how dark the night seems to be right now, prepare for the morning because it will surely come. Has the morning come for you and you are joyfully celebrating God’s goodness? Watch out for “Saul’s messengers”.

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