Date Published: 02/18/10
As I write this, Vice President Goodluck Jonathan is the Acting President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and from my little understanding it means that President Yar’Adua can return to Nigeria today, tomorrow, next week or next month to resume duty as the number one citizen of Nigeria. President Yar’Adua left Nigeria in November 23, 2009 for medical check-up in Saudi Arabia and since then nobody knows the real situation of things.
For more than 3 months, all the officers of the Federal cabinet have been telling 150 Nigerians lies and lies, except of course the belated response from Minister of Information, Prof Akunyili via a memo to the Federal Executive Council on the matter. Last week, the National Assembly set aside Sections 144 and 145 and embraced an unknown term they called ‘Doctrine of Necessity’ to do what needed to be done. Consequently, Vice President Goodluck Jonathan was made the Acting President.
Now my argument is this: For how long will Goodluck Jonathan be the Acting President? What if the president cannot return soon? Can we have the courage now to tell the world the exact status of President Yar’Adua’s health? Can’t we have anybody from the National Assembly or the Federal Executive Council or Council of States to tell Nigerians for once the truth and nothing but the truth about President Yar’Adua? Is he fit to return to office as President? Is he incapacitated? Can Yar’Adua ever regain his health? We need somebody to help this country to remove the kid gloves now. We need somebody to help us do some growing up. We need somebody to tell the world that we are not stupid people who lie even when it is not necessary to do so. We need a substantive President now to deal with Nigeria’s huge problems politics or no politics.
For nearly 100 days now, we have seen how people have sworn to pull this nation down by all means because of primordial sentiments. We have seen how some people worked tirelessly to hold on to the deceit that all is well with Nigeria. In our own very eyes unconscionable looters, availing themselves of the vacuum created, went to work and stole the nation dry for nearly 100 days until their bags were full. I am told that the political illiterate of the 21 st century are not those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn from history (thank you Alvin Toffler).
Joe Igbokwe