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Date Published: 02/25/10

RETURN OF THE PRESIDENT By Imohimi Uduigwome Airenevboise 


I am aware that in the animal kingdom when the leader of the pride or pack becomes ill or old he often tries to hide it from other members of the pack for fear of stronger members challenging his authority and chasing him away. I hate to think this is the scenario in the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) because I see no other reason why the health of President Yardua should be shrouded in so much secrecy. We (at least those of us not in PDP) do not expect him to be superhuman. He is an ordinary human being prone to human frailties, and as such we wish him quick recovery. 

We are told that Mr. Acting President will go and meet the wife of Mr. President to know the status of his health. Why should he go to the wife of Mr. President to ascertain the health condition of our President? I am not aware that she has assumed the role of personal physician. What happened to his personal physician? If his health has improved, is he not in a better position to brief the acting President? 

I do not lay any claim to have any knowledge of the medical sciences but I think its general knowledge that when an individual goes to the hospital in his own vehicle (or an airplane) if he has improved or is recuperating, the individual is not expected to be brought home in an ambulance. However I think in this case we may assume that the air ambulance was more comfortable than the presidential aircraft. 

Is it sacrosanct that the next Nigerian President must emerge from the North? Who signed the agreement? If any exist on whose mandate was the agreement reached and signed? Can our lack of development not be traced to the fact that individuals who have expressed their desire to lead us never get elected but instead we have foisted on us individuals who are drafted into the race at the last minute by those who think they own Nigeria? Why do Nigerians always accept such individuals without a murmur and yet complain they have been handed the short end of the stick! 

Now that they say the President is back and that while he is recuperating the Acting President is still in control I sincerely hope that we will not have a scenario where the Acting President has no access to the President but will have to rely on close aides of Mr. President (who are the only ones allowed to see him) for directives. I can just imagine one of the aides telling the acting President that Mr. President has directed that Mr. Boot licker be issued a license for an oil bloc. Definitely since he has no access to the President he will have to assume that the fake directive of “Oga’s personal person” is genuine and another oil bloc will be given to another Nigerian who will come and insult our intelligence by telling us that he has no idea of what to do with the huge profit realized from the sale of the oil bloc! 

On the news I heard that people in Katsina took to the streets to rejoice at the arrival of Mr. President. I thought the person that arrived was the President of Nigeria and not the Governor of Katsina. Are we to assume that Nigerians in other states did not jubilate or can we say only the people of Katsina are reaping the benefits of the seven point agenda of Mr. President? In that case Mr. President we hope you recuperate very fast to enable other Nigerians who do not reside in Katsina enjoy the fruits of your seven point agenda. Welcome Mr.President, and since we are not policemen, are we permitted to ask “what did you bring for us?” or is it “anything for the boys (and girls)?” 

Imohimi Uduigwome Airenevboise 

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