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Date Published: 02/27/10



We can never underestimate some fellow Nigerians when it comes to a desperate hold unto power. Using a very sick president to achieve that aim is no exception, even if it takes a dead cat bounce at the airport to swindle Nigerians that are naive enough to believe them. In a civil community like our villages, abuse of an animal friendly to man, cannot be easily tolerated without a cry from our elders. But we can selfishly manipulate the poor state of our President.

Some of us have blamed an over ambitious Turai propped up by a kitchen cabinet so that we can absolve ourselves of any blame as if it can happen if silent majority rejected it. Those who are brave enough to speak out and take actions have been labeled radicals. There were venoms poured on prominent leaders from all parts of the Country who stood up for peace. Those of us from the North on whose region some cabals based their muscle flexing on, must reject them.

Contrary to reports, Yar’Adua landing at the Abuja Airport was not a surprise. It was speculated in the papers and prepared for around Katsina where a crowd gathered and rejoiced the night before, chanting “Sai Matawalle”. It must be understood that Katsina has a reason to rejoice because a very sick son comes home alive. No matter how sick we get, we want to spend our precious moments at home but certainly not in the midst of power hungry political jargonauts who could not care less, if Matawalle is dead or alive.

It was not reassuring enough that a statement was released telling Ebele to continue to act; a pending audience with Turai. This is a quandary for anyone trying to rule a country as complex as Nigeria. Before the arrival of Yar’Ardua, there were series of misinformation to undermine his authority apart from the threat of military coup. He was just trying to accomplish the variety of monumental obstacles ahead of him left undone by those who have failed.

On the information that Yar’Adua was on his way back to Nigeria, Ebele had to cancel cabinet meeting of discussing the business of the Nation so that he could deal with the situation of an individual man and his kitchen cabinet. Nigerians are the ones on the losing end. The Country cannot move forward until we settle the problem of dual authorities. We are now occupied with power struggle and speculations on who actually has control of the Country. Who gave the military order to secure the Airport without the knowledge of the Acting Commander-In-Chief?

Many in the kitchen cabinet refused to take a back seat or orders from Ebele while the sick President is portrayed to be giving instructions. When in fact we know he is not in the position or state of mind to command as indicated by ambulance and secret arrival. The reading of his state of mind has been, even before going to Saudi Arabia, and will continue to be Turai’s. The beneficiaries are those wrapped around her glorifying every interpretation credited to YarAdua.

Some may see a silver lining in Turai as the first executive lady “President” of Nigeria. Do not be surprised if you see her taunted as the next presidential candidate to complete the second term of her husband. Many of us may be won over to her side or her party on that basis if she did not blow any goodwill by her obsession with power. Readings from the tea leaves, Ebele has been advised not to seek the position of the President in 2011. It would also not make sense for an acting President for a year to run as vice-president to Turai or anyone else.

So if the presidency will remain in the North for PDP to win again in 2011, vultures and well wishers must not damage the agreement existing between the regions either by power rotation or power sharing by portraying certain element as the one representing the only interest of the North. There was a reason for choosing the vice-president from different region in case the president becomes incapacitated. Some are ready to risk the blow up of Nigeria because one year is too long to give up power temporarily.

Those taking actions from the South also have the deep responsibility to make sure that it does not turn into South versus North issue. They must be inclusive since the South has no monopoly of either progressives or conservatives. Some of those campaigning against Ebele to assume full controls at the presidency are not only up in arms and money but are as close to Ebele’s State as a rotten agbalumo is close to the tree.

There are Nigerians all over that feel infuriated by what is going on in the motherland. The indignation cannot be divided along ethnic or regional lines. There are Northerners who have voiced their opinions about Nigeria being a fairer place compared to the status quo it was before Ebele became Acting President. So we have goodwill from the North to the South while devils also squirt from the South to the North.

In the mean time Nigeria continue to lose to corruption, lack of planning and foresight while the economy stagnates. There is no authority or technical expertise from divided presidency to channel to either private or public sector. Nigeria continues to be every man and woman for himself and the helpless have no direction to look to. Unfortunately, this has been our situation for too long and we seem to be following the waves backwards in our non-paddled boat.

More embarrassing is how we force our dirty linen on Saudi Arabia. A country that has its own problem within and around its region is asked to play big brother to Nigeria at any cost. No matter how rich Saudi Arabia is, they will make sure we are paying our way. Many trips have been made by our politicians there claiming to be looking for ghosts while shopping like crazy on esta-code. Some claimed they were just going to say thank you. What about the rest of Nigerians who cannot afford to visit relatives in the villages? 

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