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Date Published: 03/04/10



Since the reintroduction of democracy in Nigeria in 1999, I do not seem to see any God-fearing, and an upright leader worth his onions among the present crop of leaders we have. This is not an overstatement. For in common parlance, an upright leader is supposed to be to his followers, what a shepherd is to animals. Generally, a good shepherd demonstrates deep and sometimes self-sacrificing love and care for his flocks. A good shepherd is much more different from hirelings, whose sole aim for seeing over the flock is the pay he stands to get at the end of the day. 

In my opinion, Dr. Aliyu Idi Hong, the Minister of State in the Federal Ministry of Health is one of the hirelings who is in the Yar’adua presidency for what he will personally achieve for himself and not what the people will achieve through his influence. Dr. Hong aspired to his present position through the influence of satanic and dubious means. As was reported by a national daily last November, the Minister had prior to his appointment in 2007, engaged in an unwholesome relationship with Senator Jibril Aminu, presumably to appease his godfather who consequently influenced his appointment through the former dictator Olusegun Obasanjo. This unwholesome relationship according a reliable source still continues till date. When that feat was attained, Dr. Aliyu swore to blood oath naked, to owe one hundred percent loyally to the senator in question. Both of them symbolize insensitivity and roguish attitude to the plight of the people they claim to represent in their offices. 

For example, the sit tight Senator Aminu who for the first two and half years of his second term in office, contributed no input to deliberations at the Red Chambers of the NASS, had neither attempted to reduce child mortality rate nor developed a near global partnership for community development in any of the seven LGA’s in his constituency. This is in spite of the over three billion naira he collected in the name of constituency allowance in the last seven years. To worsen the situation, the Minister of State Health, who is charged with the responsibility to supervise the health sector, has remained aloof on same. Rather what he (Dr. Aliyu) specializes in is local and religious politics, where he cast aspersions on some renowned figures both at state and local government levels, who he perceives as his political rivals. This is mainly to draw attention and seek the sympathy of his masters as he continues to flounder from one avoidable crisis to another. 

How would you describe this type of characters, who would prefer you call them “God’s perfect will for the people”. No way. From their antecedents, the duo happens to be at their respective leadership positions as a result of the permissive will of God. They do not look like people selected by God to serve His people. Both Jibril Aminu and Dr. Hong had subverted the will of God and man and are now in power to serve their personal goals. They are both pimps and murderers. Equally the duo are skilled evil manipulators who set one group against the other, so they can get power and help themselves to public funds. 

It is against background that Dr. Aliyu Idi Hong diverted a Toyota Corolla car belonging to the Federal Ministry of culture and Tourism meant for officials of the Ministry to his personal use, even after leaving the organization barely two years ago. According to sources from the Ministry, the vehicle’s engine No. 2933678 and Chassis NO. jtdbr22e703217112, was officially attached to the minister in 2007, when he was deployed there as minister of state in the ministry. 

The vehicle is one among the eight originally addressed to the FRSC Corps Marshal & Chief Executive for Federal Government (FGN) plate Nos. dated 24/12/07 with ref No. AF.130/C277/vol.vi/35. Interestingly, while the former Senior Minister Adetokunbo Kayode (SAN) returned his own vehicle immediately he was redeployed to the Ministry of Labour and Productivity, but Dr. Hong in his characteristic manner as an itchy finger guy, has converted his own to personal use and has taken it to only “God knows where”. 

Another fresh scandal tearing apart the image of the young man is the multi million naira private hospital under construction in Kano metropolis. When on an investigative tour of the edifice, I gathered from the construction engineer (name withheld) handling the project, said it is estimated to gulp over N.3 billion and will be completed in June this year. The question on the lips of many concerned Nigerians is the source of the money involved in these capital projects, considering his position as a junior minister in this government. 

These latest developments are coming on the heels of the N300 million property acquired by the minister in Abuja as reported by several media outfits prominent among whom is “The Premier newspaper” dated Nov. 17-23-2009, and “The National Waves News magazine” also of Nov. 2009 issue 16, ISSN No. 20061684. 

In the final analysis, let me say that as politicians both Dr. Hong and Senator Aminu may not succeed in their political career unless they collectively address the disconnect between them and the people they claim to represent. Most importantly, let them facilitate programmes on how to extend healthcare, remove Adamawa out of vicious circles of poor health facilities and educational standard to mention a few. Water supply and productive employment to young people will be an added advantage. For a good leader in government is judged by how well he meets legitimate objectives. As for their scandalous posture, there is a time for everything. At the appropriate time, their ill-gotten wealth will be exposed and put them in the proper square root. 

OGUIBE wrote from Wuse Zone 4, Abuja

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