Date Published: 03/11/10
Murdering of 600 Christian Women and Children was a Reprisal attack; Nigeria Police. By Ndiameeh Babrik
The highest point of irresponsibility was the lame-duck excuse and explanation given by one Mohammed Lerama who claims to be the spokesman of the Nigeria Police in Plateau State. He was quoted by the Islamic terrorist paper, the Daily Trust of Tuesday 9th March 2010 that the over 2000 Muslim Fulani who killed 600 Christian women and children as young as three months in Dogo Na Hawa village in Plateau State were on ‘reprisal attack‘.
The Nigerian Army of occupation under the command of Saleh Maina must be withdrawn from the Plateau and the whole of the Middle-belt. How can 2000 Muslim Fulani marauders move freely all the way from Bauchi to Jos without being detected?
This is more so that there is supposed to be curfew in place on the Plateau and the Nigerian Army is supposed to keep watch.
So killing of 600 Christian women and children is now justified because it was a reprisal attack. When did Mohammed Lerama finishing his investigation to come to the conclusion that it was a reprisal attack?
Former Plateau State Police Commissioner Gregory Anyating was hastily removed because he even said the truth as it was that Hausa/Fulani Muslims attacked ECWA Church Dutse Uku.
Now that reprisal attack is justified as per the words of Mohammed Lerama and the Daily Trust Newspaper, we conclude that very soon there will be further bloodshed all over the Middle-belt and the South because of the massacre of 600 innocent children and women by Islamic fundamentalist?
Somaliasation of Nigeria has begun in earnest even before the dreaded 2011 election.
Goodluck Jonathan must fire all the top echelon of the Armed Forces and the Police Inspector General immediately. They have failed. Major General Saleh Maina is a candidate for the War Crime Tribunal at The Hague whether now or in the future. Responsibility falls squarely on his shoulder for the massacre of 600 Christian children in Shen village.
As for the Daily Trust Newspaper it should change its name to the Islamic fundamentalists’ newspaper.
The pens of my friends Mohammed Haruna and Adamu Adamu seems to have ran dry when 600 innocent Christian women and Children were massacred by Islamic terrorists as was confirmed by the Nigerian Senate. That is what is called Genocide on an unprecedented scale.
The seed General Babangida has sown is rapidly bearing fruit for him.
It is now official the Nigeria Police has legalised “Reprisal Attack in Nigeria”. My Igbo and Yoruba brothers will be happier for it since anytime their kins and kiths are killed in Kano, Bauchi and Gombe, reprisal attack is now legally permitted.
Unfortunately her secondary school students in Bauchi murdered Mrs Oluwatoyin before the police enacted this new law. Gideon Akaluka an Igbo man was long beheaded by Muslim Hausa fundamentalists in 1994 Kano before the police legalised the new reprisal law.
Thank you Mohammed Lerama for the new reprisal law, judicial notice of it will be taken even by the courts and all ‘Nigerians‘.
Ndiameeh Babrik