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Date Published: 03/11/10

Lets make Dora President By Chiechefulam Ikebuiro


The major problem we have always had in this country is, the lack of good leadership. Nigeria since Azikiwe, Awolowo,Tafawa Balewa et-al, has never had leaders who genuinely love her.

Those were leaders. True leaders! Selfless men who could sacrifice anything, including their lives, for the good of their country. Leaders who had listening ears and cared so much about their people and their plights. Leaders who did not see power as a do or die thing. Leaders who stood for and by their people.Those days are gone! What we have now are mediocres....Men who are ready to die hanging on to power. Men who thrive so much on corruption that they are compared with the Bill Gtaes of this world, after they must have left office.These are men who assumed duty with only 20,000 naira in their accounts.

I'm just thinking...When would we get it right?

Nigeria has been in a state of turmoil since November,2009, when President Yar'adua went for medical treatment in Saudi Arabia. What is going on? What is all these nonsense about hanging on to power even in the face of death? Is it fair for a man to hold a nation to ransom? Whats with zoning the presidency? So even if it is a goat that is president, as long as it represents a particular zone, whose turn it is, according to the PDP constitution, we are alright with it? Is PDP the only party in Nigeria? Must there always be a cabal? What are we running here.. Democracy or Oligarchy? Hmmmm.I really don't get it! Still wondering why we are where we are?

Apart from the civil society and the masses, it is not really a surprise that nobody 'up there' spoke up when President Yar'adua went AWOL with nobody to fill the void. Forget the Otta Farmer...it was because he was not allowed access to Yar'adua in Saudi Arabia."He can rule from anywhere","he would come back soon","we even played squash yesterday","he is so fit"..were all we heard from them. Were it not for the masses, they probably would still have been fooling themselves, telling us things which do not deceive anybody, including themselves..Everybody was fighting for their interests of course. There is so much self centeredness! Did you think Senator David Mark or Dimeji Bankole would have sacrificed their seats? Or the ministers want to be in the bad books of the cabal? Everyone of them was scared to say what they had in mind, an act which should be translated to mean cowardice!

Only one person 'up there' was being pained by all these nonesense and she spoke up when she had it up to 'here'. An Enigma, a role model, a  mother, a leader. She just could not take it anymore. An Acting President was immediately sworn in after she spoke up.This is a woman who feels the pains of the people. A selfless, humane, loving and caring woman who would always speak up in the face of injustice...DORA AKUNYILI!  She and the masses are the real heroes of this Saudi-gate. Forget Ojo Maduekwe; why did he not speak before Dora? Have you heard any of them say anything since President Yar'adua was purpotedly smuggled into the country? They have all lost their voices. Dora has spoken even more, since the president came back. In her books, what is wrong is wrong, and she would say it, no matter whose ox is gored! That is the difference between Dora and the rest,and it is clear! Is this not the kind of person we crave?

We as a people have got to a stage where we can always know what is good for us and choose what we want. A few individuals can not keep selecting for us! We have our destiny in our hands and can always change its course when its going the wrong way.This particular one has been going the wrong way, since God knows when! We have stood up when it mattered most, who says we cannot do it again? We have a chance to right the wrongs of the past, and its next year.The next presidential elections come up next year 2011 and we just have to persuade Dr Dora Akunyili to run under any party. Believe me , we can make her president.We solely have the power. Need we be reminded of her heroics at NAFDAC?

We have always craved for genuine leaders who would show us genuine love. No other person comes close to giving us that than Dora. Who says a woman cannot be president?

See ehn, this woman would no doubt take us to that 'promise land' we have always longed and prayed for!

Quote me,she is our much awaited "messiah"!

Chiechefulam Ikebuiro


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