Date Published: 03/11/10
The Enemy of Peace in Plateau State is the House of Representatives. By Ndiameeh Babrik
I had made up my mind that I will not waste my pen to write on Nigeria again after the day light massacre of 600 Christian women and children in Shen village Jos. I read the world press conference address by the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Secretary-General Engineer Samuel Salifu and my hope was re-kindled.
With the unfolding traumatic scenario in Plateau State, Nigerians know the true enemies of peace in the land.
I always want to go philosophical in my articles. In the Book of Esther in the Bible, Mordecai, Esther’s uncle wrote and told her forth and I quote, “Don’t imagine that because you are part of the king’s household you will be the one Jew who will escape. If you keep quiet at this time, liberation and protection for the Jews will appear from another source, while you and your father’s household perish. It may very well be that you have achieved royal status for such a time as this!” Unquote Esther chapter 4 verses 13 and 14.
If the members of that House especially Christian members think that they are safe and free from the looming persecution of Christians in Nigeria, and then let them think again and go and read the words of Mordecai to Queen Esther when the Jews faced similar situation to what Nigerian Christians are facing now. I have quoted it above for simplicity.
As an arm of government charged with making laws for the good governance of Nigeria, we expected the House of Representatives to follow the foot steps of their big brother Senate on the protracted and heinous Jos crises and call for the full implementation of all the reports of the Judicial Commissions of Enquiry into the previous crises. Those persons indicted in the reports must be punished whether in high or low places. That is the stand the Senate took. But look at what the House of Representatives is saying they are calling for the formation of truth and re-conciliation commission.
Formation of 52 plus one re-conciliation commission will not bring peace on the Plateau. Some of them may have short memory, but we are here to remain them as usual. During the 2004 emergency rule of gallant General Mohammed C. Alli, was peace and re-conciliation committee not formed? That committee held the peace conference and was attended by all the 53 tribes in Plateau State and all the major settler tribes in Jos metropolis. Has the resolution and the communiqué of the peace conference been implemented?
The so-called truth and re-conciliation commission being proposed is another drain on taxpayer’s money.
By the way, we are all aware of the shoddy and haphazard job the committee the House of Representatives had formed on the 2008 crisis in Jos which was eventually outlawed by a Court in Jos.
As I am writing this article this morning, there are two committees by the Federal Government on the protracted crises in Jos, the Emmanuel Abisoye and the Solomon Lar committee but has that stopped the massacre of about 600 Christian children and women in Shen village last Sunday? No is the answer to another wasteful committee on Jos.
We have had too many committees without their report being implemented in Nigeria. What happened to the Justice Oputa Re-conciliation commission report? What happened to the Dr Pius Okigbo Commission report? Let the House of Representatives pass resolutions for the implementation of those reports first.
Furthermore the House of Representatives must therefore tow the line of the Senate of the Federal Republic and demand the full implementation of the reports of all the previous Judicial Commissions of Enquiry into all the previous crises in Jos. Even the resolution of the peace and re-conciliation committee conference of 2004 must be implemented. That is the only solution to the crises in Jos,
Culprits and their sponsors who have been indicted must face full wrath of the law. The House of Representatives must put aside emotions and take the bull by the horn like the Senate on the Jos crises.
I am sure they must have read the press conference by the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) scribe. That CAN can come out with such strong worded statement should be a cause of worry for right thinking average Nigeria. This is the first time such a strong and influential body is making such a strong warning.
The whole world have been in total unison in condemning the carnage unleashed on Christians in Shen village where 600 women and children were killed by Muslim Fulani marauders under the watchful eyes of the Nigerian Army. Even the governor of Plateau State has lost faith and confidence in the ability of the Nigerian Army to protect his people. “Na wa woh”
CAN now have joined us in calling for the sovereign national conference, those we have ears let them hear.
As for peace in Jos, Plateau State and even Nigeria generally, the full implementation of the reports of the Judicial Commissions of Enquiry into the 2008 crisis headed by Erudite Lawyer of impeccable repute Justice Bola Ajibola, the 2001 crisis head by great Scholar and impeccable Justice of the Supreme of Court of Nigeria, Justice Nikki Tobi and the 1994 crisis report headed by man of honour and integrity Justice Aribiton Fiberesima is the only solution.
Anything short of that is just playing on time.
The Federal Government must take this challenge seriously and implement their own aspect of the reports as custodian of the security apparatus of coercion.
Thanks for Reading and your time and God bless.
If you agree with my proposals made in this article then send it to four Nigerians today.
Responses and criticisms are welcome as usual.
Ndiameeh Babrik
London UK,