Date Published: 03/22/10
Amanze Obi, the Internet and Okey Ndibe By Noberth Nwahiri.
I am not interested in the fellow called Amanze Obi or any of the quantities that preside over the ruining of Imo State at present. One knows the mindset of these fellows from what they are doing in Imo State today that they had reduced the state to the pith of darkness, cesspool of corruption, under development and stagnation while they continue to steal the money meant for the state under several guises. In writing himself into Ohakim’s government, no one should be left in doubt that Amanze Obi or any of the media turncoats that are perpetrating daylight fraud in Imo state today, was there to further their pecuniary interests while pretending that the people are fools. Amanze Obi is a typical Nigerian journalist-if he could be said to be one. He is empty, unscrupulous, greedy, vacuous and very corrupt. What he did in This Day and The Sun are there for all to see; using the back page of these papers to corruptly seek favour and financial gratification in the guise of public commentary.
I read one of his latest outings since he took up the job of white washing the Ikedi Ohakim tragedy in Imo State. No, he wasn’t abusing Obi Nwakamma for confessing that Imo is being corruptly pillaged by Ohakim and company, after he paid a visit from his US base last year. He wasn’t abusing The Guardian for telling the true story of the gigantic fraud happening in Imo State under Ohakim, with Amanze Obi, Pini Jason, Ethelbert Okere and so many media hacks as gate keepers. He wasn’t abusing his immediate former employee, The Sun for questioning the scruple in Ohakim’s very shameful selling of a PPA ticket to the PDP in the hope he would be allowed to steal the next election. If Amanze Obi is watchful enough, he would have discovered that the veteran columnist, Dr. Idowu Sobowale was referring to him in his last Sunday’s column in The Vanguard and National Life as that media man who took appointment with a government in the South East as a commissioner for information and only issues out abuses and threats!
This time around, Amanze Obi, the quintessence of corrupt journalism in Nigeria, was trying to hold his abusive self in check while pretending to reply to Okey Ndibe, the universally acknowledged wordsmith and compulsive writer on the latter’s take on the bestial torture of one Samuelson Iwuoha by the enfant terrible and Amanze Obi’s oga, Ikedi Ohakim himself for the simple fact that Iwuoha had been exposing the shady deals that is second nature to the Ohakim government. I won’t go on to engage Amanze Obi in his traditional stupid and dirty way of earning the corrupt living he is having presently. Simply, a desperado that must prove he deserves the corrupt wages he earns is a dangerous fellow-so let Amanze Obi continue wallowing in his lies in the hope he will continue to eat while Imo people gnash their teeth in agony. Same goes for Pini Jason who has today become a special adviser on lies and fables, sold through anonymous names and organizations.
What really made this rejoinder compelling is Amanze Obi’s lastline in his ‘Okey Ndibe’s Attack on Ohakim’ Saturday Sun, 13 March 2010, thus; ‘It is therefore a pity and, indeed, unfortunate when Diaspora writers and commentators get excited over issues that mean nothing to people at home who really understand. No doubt, commentators have the right to be excited about issues at home whenever they choose to. But such excitement must not be misplaced or exaggerated. It is important that they try to find out what the true situation at home is before they jump into the fray. Too much reliance on the Internet is very unhelpful, and this is the main affliction, which Okey and his like suffer from’.
This exposes the fraud in Imo State under Ohakim, centered around corruptly influencing Nigerian newspapers to write and concoct flattering stories while government officials steal the state blind. This says it all about the people that are ruining Imo State at present. They don’t believe in the internet. To them, the internet is This forms the mindset of the pseudo media people Ohakim loaded his government with and how they want to deliver the wonderful feat of plucking oranges from oat trees. That accounts for why they generously patronize the Nigerian papers and editors and swathe them with enough fables and tales by moonlight about the wonderful works of their new god, Ohakim even as such wonders can never be enumerated for people to feel and align with. That is why all manners of fiction are sponsored into Nigerian newspapers, most times with synonyms, in a failed bid to hoodwink Nigerians about developments in the state. It does not matter to Amanze Obi and his co-hirelings if Nigerians don’t read those hogwash. They smile to the bank after every effort and of course, ‘his excellency will continue doing well’.
At this age and season, it should spark a deep concern that a supposed commissioner for information is speaking condenscendingly about the internet. But on a closer look, the fellow is only scared that this is a media he cannot corruptly control and has no real hold on. He was rather speaking in frustration that as more Nigerians key into the information superhighway, people like him are made increasingly irrelevant as lesser and lesser Nigerians depend on the fables they launder so well on Nigerians newspapers for facts.
Amanze Obi is pained and deeply angered that the Internet is removing a patent to think for Imo people and sell same to Imo people and Nigerians through heavily induced newspapers and their editors. If he can at least choose to be frank one bit, he would have acknowledged that public opinion in the Imo State where he is a commissioner for information is heavily tilted against Ohakim. This any rookie journalist can find by interviewing a cross section of Imo people in the streets. I bet that Ohakim does not enjoy up to 10 per cent approval rating in Imo state today and I challenge any person to wager on this. It is indeed a tragedy, surpassed only by the calamity Ohakim is causing in Imo State today with men like Amanze Obi, Pini Jason, Ethelbert Okere, etc, forming the sycophantic fan’s club. Obi is ruing the fact that perhaps the internet accounted for the reason why a person he gleefully describes as ‘a common kerosene seller’ has bested a rich coterie of media hucksters and its government in telling his stories. He lies unbelievably to explain a very obvious fact but to his sorrow, every lie rebounds with greater intensity. Amanze Obi needs pity because he is frustration personified and his frustration is that his lies are not selling at all. He is frustrated that he can do nothing about the Internet and he cannot effectively lie for the people of Imo state.
What makes Amanze Obi’s case more desperate is that he is fast loosing the battle to rein in the Nigerian newspapers. Like Saul on the way to Damascus, editors and newspapers, corruptly influenced to sing Ohakim’s praises at the initial state are making recants after visiting Imo State and this has set desperate hirelings like Amanze Obi on an unending fury. On the last count, despite heavy influences, Amanze Obi and his Imo fable warriors can only count National Life, a rickety tabloid by Louis Odion, as their faithful client in this debauchery and with feeble hold on one or two others papers that are stuck to their crude forgery. That was why he launched into reckless abuse of the Guardian, after its reporter did a story that reflected the true state of issues in Imo state recently. Today, his umbrage is the internet just because he is a rookie that cannot find his way on that super highway and most importantly, it removes from him the patent to think and reflect for the marooned people of Imo State. I know that nothing is as dangerous as a desperate person serving a desperate government. The body marks and lacerations on Samuleson Iwuoha can complete the story more than I can do. But whoever is in doubt that Imo is gone indeed can just take a visit to neighbouring Anambra or Enugu or even the much maligned Abia and conclude the story of how Imo State fared under very desperate hustlers and impostors like Ikedi Ohakim, Amanze Obi, Pini Jason and Ethelbert Okere.
Nobert Ekendu.
Ikenegbu Layout Extension,