Date Published: 03/23/10
Jonathan, NEPA & Matters Arising By GEORGE ELIJAH OTUMU
Why is it that almost every house in Nigeria lives on power supplies from generating sets? Of what value to Nigerians is the National Electric Power Authority, later rechristened Power Holding Company of Nigeria, PHCN?
How about our comatose refineries which are prostrate and grounded due to inefficiency, corruption and lack of manpower? In the whole world Nigerians have become endangered specie mostly tainted by the corrupt lifestyles of kleptomanic leaders. It was in ages past that NEPA officials visit houses to read electricity usage in meters.
But, these days most Branch and Area Managers of PHCN, as preferred to be called with their rotund bellies and chubby cheeks drive round town in state-of-the-art automobiles. Yet, Nigerians hardly have electric light in the face of the numerous vice and health hazards pose by fumes from generators.
It is true that wherever darkness thrives, evil people have taken over the reigns of power. This assertion finds pivot in the good book which says “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach”.
Some of these PHCN officials in collaboration with their political collaborators have been making fortunes from generator importation into the country, mostly with tax evasion at our borders. These ‘greedy businessmen’ are the mafias running generating sets’ firms in the country.
This is the time Jonathan needs to wake up from his slumber and declare a state-of-emergency in the power sector. The Acting President needs not wait for luck, because his first name is ‘Goodluck’ to administer good governance for the people.
Jonathan ought not to live in illusion that all is well in the power sector when he has refused to sack the directorate of PHCN who are part of the problems plaguing the country.
Nigerians are tired of ‘hopeless promises’ which has no effect on their lives. A case in sight is the eldorado promise made by ailing President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, whose where about is secretive as darkness, to the fact that the nation would witness uninterrupted power supply late last year. After all, the whole scenario has become a dream.
What is happening in this country? It is unimaginable that the suffering of the masses is daily multiplied to the extent that many of them can hardly afford the price of kerosene for their stoves and are faced with the usage of charcoal, wood and sawdust to cook.
It is high time Jonathan lives up to history, by embarking on radical transformation in the power sector to cushion the effect of inflation rise in the nation’s economy.
It is only a country like ours, where people of doubtful character, with no measure of integrity and honesty as Maurice Iwu would still be chairing the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC. Despite the obvious inefficiency and electoral fraud of 2003 and 2007 elections, Iwu keeps maintaining his cool mien of perfect umpire.
Just the way the appointment of Iwu as INEC Chairman was shrouded in secrecy, same way his electoral manipulations of election in the country. In Yoruba parlance, Iwuruwuru means ‘a path of illegality’ and ‘Iwu’ translates law in Ibo language.
Truly, there is power in names given in Africa, especially in Nigeria where names of people are reflections of the circumstances of their birth, events and situation of life’s adventure.
Another matter desirous of attention is where Yar’Adua is been hidden and receiving medical treatment since his recent return to Nigeria under the cover of darkness. There are arguments in some quarters that Turai, Yar’Adua’s wife has sworn never to allow the Acting President access to the president recuperating president.
How about the unending crises in Jos, Plateau State where lives of the ordinary people, who are helpless women and innocent children have been reduced to carcass? Yet, there are law enforcement agents on ground. If it is true that the ‘war-zone Jos’ is precipitated under the watch of the military authorities, though denied, then the gun-wielding soldiers as presently constituted are part of the larger conspiracy to discredit the administration of Jonathan.
There is no reason or logic left for the Acting President not to relieve Abdulrahman Bello Dambazau, a General of his post as the Chief of Army Staff in the face of the continuous lawlessness in Jos, which has defied all solutions.
Nigerians are anxiously waiting on the Acting President to walk his talk and not talk his works.
Otumu, Associate Editor, Scroll Magazine wrote in