Date Published: 03/26/10
Nigeria is a Failed State By Ndiameeh Babrik
Nigeria is a failed state. Even those in authority and position of leadership are saying that.
Nigeria is a failed state, that is why major newspapers and news media will devote all their news pages to promoting the candidature for president of a kleptomania who was indicted for stealing $12.4 billions state fund.
Nigeria is a failed state, that is why a former military dictator who hated democracy with a passion and in fact annulled the fairest election ever held in Nigeria is now being campaigned for by faceless and dubious character who have no conscience as the best candidate from northern Nigeria for the post of presidency.
Nigeria is a failed state, that is a why a former military despot who institutionalised corruption and destroyed Nigeria over an eight year period is still being campaigned for to come back to power again.
Nigeria is a failed state, that is why a former military despot who held Nigerians with high contempt and has never for once apologized for causing the death of more Nigerians during his military regime and even after as is seen in Jos. Yet some persons without conscience still campaign for him to come back to power.
Nigeria is a failed state, that is why despite the fact that there is a consensus in the land that the eight years of a former military maximum ruler was the locust years of Nigeria, yet some people are campaigning for him to come to power to come give Nigeria the wild fire years.
Nigeria is a failed state, that is why a former military ruler who wasted 400 billion Naira on a transition to civil rule program which at the end of the day came to nothing with millions of Nigerians killed post June 12, 1993 election is still being taunted by Northern Nigerians as their best candidate.
Nigeria is a hopeless and a failed state, that is why a former military ruler is indicted by so many judicial commissions of enquiry like the Pius Okigbo, Justice Oputa and even the Justice Ajibola commissions of enquiries is still taunted as the best person to rule amongst 150 millions persons in Nigeria.
Nigeria is a failed state, that is why you have a ghost president maintained at the taxpayers’ money and taxpayers’ are still being blackmailed.
Nigeria is a failed state, that is why its military generals relay on text messaging to deploy troops instead of the conventional military signal and intelligent known worldwide.
Nigeria is a failed state, that is why column of marauders can enter any village kill 500 babies and women and newspaper commentators justify it as revenge attack. No even one person is brought to justice.
Nigeria is a failed state that is why armed robbers will block a federal highway in the daytime for up to five hours and there is no police helicopter to come to the rescue of victims.
Nigeria is a failed state where 98% of pupil who sat for an examination failed but no body at all is dismissed for such a national calamity and disgrace.
Finally Nigeria is a failed state where only the Rawlings formula or treatment is the only solution. Those who stole over 400 billion US between 1979 and 2009 must not have peace to enjoy their loot talk less of coming back to power in Nigeria again. Chief Gani might have gone, but the Wole Soyinkas, Tunde Bakares, Femi Falanas and many others are still here please lead us in this struggle.
We say NO! to re-cycling thieving former leaders.
Nigeria must break away from the past. We need an Obama now not septuagenarians who are out dated and kleptomaniacs.
Ndiameeh Babrik,