Date Published: 04/01/10
As a youth, thinker and writer on intelligence, security, and political rationale idea for guiding Nigeria and global peace. His Excellency, President Barack Obama initiation to host 2010 edition of the World Nuclear Summit and personal invitation to Acting President Goodluck Jonathan to be part of the event has compelled me to come up with viable options to enthrone outcome of the summit and enforce compliance.
One is to establish multilateral consensus on using media and civil agency as watchdog to back up recommendations of the summit related to keeping of nuclear threats, transfer and cross-border smuggling of arms of such nuclear weapons control in check couple with strengthen of inter- American media, civil agency, intelligence, security, law enforcement agencies and army relationship. This falls in line with common reference of UNESCO and other international advocates for press freedom “the civil agency and media can help states and citizens to enhance the global peace and democratic experience”.
Secondly, making the democratic leaders of developing states among invited countries for the summit to understand and believe in democracy to care about what people actually think and want.
Truth to be told, the central problem of the 21st century in many of the democratic states of developing countries is egocentric approach to building of democratic society and invigorating of dictatorship democratic government by majority of democratic leaders through systematically making of only ruling party uphold the control of Presidency, both Senate and House of Representatives in order to gain more political power but in return diminishing evolution of strong minority political parties with almost equal power, weaken enforcement of laws and regulations on corruption and electoral rules with excessive limitations on civil society freedom and the media access to information.
To this point, the summit might not yield absolute results as expected in many of the invited developing states where existing rules and regulations including legal provisions essential for good governance and accountability are in place but not actively. And such is a case in Nigeria.
Therefore, there will be need for strong concerted action from the White House with efforts of present senior members of the United States Administration on encouraging and making Acting President Goodluck and other invited democratic leaders from developing countries for the summit to understand the need for adopting good governance systems.
Lastly, it would be of great appreciation if the White House can consider and acknowledge my write up.
Ayodele Paul O, Omega Chamber, Box 319, Ikire, Osun state, Nigeria +23408033960987.