Date Published: 04/04/10
What if Mr Umaru Yar’adua, the Federal Republic of Nigeria’s President, a man who since November 2009 has not been seen by anyone of patriotic relevance turns up tomorrow ‘hale and hearty’ to take back leadership from his erstwhile deputy? What implications would it have on the polity which is gradually recovering from the pains, losses and hardships inflicted on it by the mystical disappearance of the supposed leader?
I don’t know if this question makes sense or am I a loner in this school of thought!
Are Nigerians thinking on this line or is everyone indeed satisfied with the popular consolation that “Nigeria has moved on without Yar’adua”. Yes a slight majority of the country’s citizens and the world are excited with the commendable but not so excellent steps taken by Mr Goodluck Jonathan to restart governance but are we all aware that the excitement may soon be short lived, are we aware of what the 1998 constitution says as regards the recovery and return of the ailing President.
In a basic lay mans language, the constitution posits that when the President makes a return after full recovery he is fully empowered to revert all that has taken place in his absence back to the former. In Yar’adua’s case, the currently popular ‘doctrine of necessity’ will be proclaimed to expressly usher him back to leadership without medical verification nor certification and of course the ‘honourables’ at the dishallowed chambers will be willing to remind us that it is only normal as the same doctrine was proclaimed to ensure the latter. Then what will be witnessed is an unprecedented return to the old order of retrogression.
If one is to be honest, Nigerians not too long ago had it very bad under Yar’adua’s leadership, governance of the country literarily grounded to a halt. The PDP illegal contraption called a government was synonymous with ineptitude, failure, gross misconduct and lack of direction. That government was a cesspit of corruption and effectively, their actions and inactions dragged Nigeria backwards by a century. Socio economic infrastructures were allowed to decay; even attractive initiatives and policies known as the ‘7 point agenda’ as espoused by the government were allowed to waste away on the pages of blueprints, hard drives and files. Not yet done, Nigeria lost its steam and enviable stand in the comity of nations especially within the African continent; the country was relegated to the back seat occupied by mere spectators. The 6000 mW power generation plan considered a very humble and realisable target by industry experts could not be achieved, it is imperative to note that 6000 mW is not even up to a third of what neighbouring Togo is using at the moment. Academic and labour strikes protesting Presidential incompetence helped worsen the plight of Nigerians while the pump price of petrol and gas were increasingly very much exorbitant when they were finally available.
The reason for this stinging unproductiveness was not far fetched – the current leadership at the national helm was colourless, clueless and unfortunately made up of men and women of questionable comportment, societal dregs, elitist criminals, smugglers and marabouts. That government was the first in history to appoint an Attorney General who openly preached, took sides, encouraged and facilitated top level corruption to the consternation of the world, is that not a record ?
Last week Friday, the clique of rogues referred to as the cabal in local parlance caused the Presidential convoy with full seal of authority to be driven round Abuja, the Nigerian Federal capital territory obviously to give the impression that the man was indeed up and moving. For these men and women to pull this latest stunt, it means the man is indeed recovering and there is indeed more than a glimmer of hope, they cannot be anxiously waiting in the wings to snatch back their lost positions when the man who is their lee way to this is not showing positive signs of recovery; this is the main reason why these men and women are still tightly woven together in ignoble plans and manipulations aimed at frustrating progressive efforts at jump starting the country. They know what we all don’t know and are not patient enough to have the last laugh and that showed itself in the national mosque drama. Nigerians should not forget that Mr Umaru Yar’adua as Governor of Katsina state went away for six months and came back to revert all that was done in his absence and then iced up the cake by sacking his then deputy. It is understood as well that the medical condition under which he left then was worse than the current.
Can Nigeria afford another free fall to what I will call the abyss (because that is what it was); no the country can ill afford such. No one wishes the President negativity but the reality which Nigeria is stuck with is that his recovery and return will spell doom for a 140 million people. He is ill prepared both mentally, psychologically and physically, he must be made aware of this fact by Nigerians.
We want to pray for Mr Yar’adua to regain full health and recovery but we can only pray sincerely and with earnest faith if he let go off governance which he is ill prepared for. Anything to the contrary is hypocrisy to a height because what you are praying for if granted by the Almighty will lead to a result which is counterproductive and frankly that negates the whole essence of a prayer.
Men and women of goodwill must move in and get Mr Yar’adua to do a resignation so confidence as reinforced by a substantive President and Vice President respectively can be restored on the system. Nigeria is badly in need of that at the moment and if getting him to resign fails, other viable options must be considered to help Mr Yar’adua to help himself and Nigerians most importantly. Nigeria can only move forward and not backwards.
Easter and victory greetings to all patriotic Nigerians. Nigeria must get there!