Nothing good can come out of this Maurice Iwu
A popular African adage says, ‘show me your friends and I will tell you who you are’. In the same vein, the Englishman will say ‘birds of same feathers flock together’. The two wise sayings quoted above are merely saying the same thing but in different words and they are apt in seeing the real person in Iwu. Grapevine had it that Iwu was Andy Uba’s candidate for the chairmanship of INEC. Maurice Iwu has shown that he is in the clique of the likes of Andy Uba. The shenanigan manner in which he conducted the last April elections coupled with the alleged certificate scandal he shared with Andy Uba really shows clearly that they are wonderful birds of same feathers.
Moreover, how did we even expect someone like Obasanjo to give the Chairmanship of INEC to one that would not do his bidding? We all know fully well that the Owu chief is a power monger who wanted to be and is still calling the shots even after his tenure at Aso Rock. It would have been suicidal for him to allow an independent minded person to run such an office that was so vital to his life ambition. If Iwu had not played along, he would have been kicked out just like the PDP chairmen were being hammered before Ahmadu Ali surfaced. These two positions were very central to Obasanjo’s scheming.
From the very first day that Professor Maurice Iwu was appointed INEC helmsman, there was this instinct in me that made it impossible for me to trust him. Even when, prior to the 2007 general election, he was running the jingles of ‘I am going to conduct a free and fair election, even if it’s the last thing I do in my life’ in all TV stations, I still couldn’t come to terms with him. I knew he was lying but I didn’t want to be labeled a pessimist hence the need to give him the benefit of doubt. But can you see where we find ourselves today. Grappling with the worst election ever known to humanity!
Maurice Iwu has been given the benefit of doubt and he has proved to the whole world that he is not only a failure but that he is a disgrace to the human race. Certain things do happen and you wish you had better not been created a human being. For instance, whenever I hear that a man makes love to his fellow man, or human beings to animals, I wish I do not belong to the generation that perpetuates this heinous crime. Honestly, the day Maurice Iwu finished en elections, apology to Fela Anikulapo Kuti, I wished I had existed on another planet. Sharing the same characteristic of being a human being with Iwu was more tormenting for me than to contend with the election results.
If we are allowed to use Maurice Iwu’s morning to judge his evening, my conclusion is that even if Iwu is born again times without number, he will conduct elections that are even worse than the last one. I have reasons for this conclusion. First, the first sign of an erring public official that is ready to change is to be remorseful and shows signs of guilt. Iwu grossly lacks these qualities. He has not realized the extent of damage and the setback he caused this nation. He fails to apologize to Nigerians and to genuinely ask for forgiveness. I know that if he does, Nigerians will forgive him. Nigerians are ever willing to forgive, but not when the sinner is carrying his shoulders high and he is even calling himself the saviour of our generation.
The major beneficiary of the fraud of Maurice Iwu, President Musa Yar’Adua has alluded to the fact that the process that brought him to power is flawed. Domestic and foreign observers faulted the whole process as a mockery of democracy. Even, Chief Gani Fawehinmi who is always on the opposing side of common reasoning agreed that the election was a sham. The only person that defended and is still defending the election is Professor Maurice Iwu. He is not repentant. To Iwu, he is the best thing that ever happened to Nigeria because according to him he succeeded in transiting power from ‘civilian to civilian’. A feat no one has ever achieved; and like the proverbial lizard that jumped from high Iroko tree, Iwu is full of praises for himself.
There is no name he has not called those who deem it fit to criticize him. Local monitors were accused of collaborating with the opposition to cause chaos. Foreign observers were said to be biased in their judgments. Opposition parties, members of civil societies and public affairs commentators were said to be mischievous etc. It is only Maurice Iwu and members of PDP who benefited from his electoral fraud that adjudged the election to be free and fair.
Since Professor Maurice Iwu is the only one that knows what is good for the nation, he must have come from another planet. It is only logical that he goes to where he belongs and preside over elections and other related matters there. He should not be allowed to preside over other elections in our land. Whatever election he organizes for us will not be good enough.
Bright Adeola Coker
No 2, Badmus Street
Victoria Island Annex