If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? In a situation where there is no righteous, can anything be done? Absolutely no.
Every good and strong building owes its existence to the quality of its foundation. No matter the beauty or elegance of any structure, the foundation will always determine the duration of its existence. This account for the reason the structure called Nigeria is so weak with imminent collapse.
My research work in construction reveals that every good builder expends more time and money on the foundation in accordance to the size of the building so as to ensure durability. No matter how technically proficient and professionally advanced a builder is, he cannot maintain a building erected on a faulty foundation. The complete lack of competence in the leaders of our nation points to the weakness of the foundation of the country called Nigeria.
Since independence, Successive regimes have built of this faulty foundation in fruitless effort, some with genuine intention and others with selfish and dishonest intention. A good intention is not enough if it is not accompanied by discipline.
The sad truth is that the immoral and unethical behavior of our leaders and highly placed government officials is disproportionably affecting the image and reputation of Nigeria for reasons rooted in hypocrisy, subtle wastage and prodigal spending. These immoral activities are the products of the poor quality of our foundation on which regimes after regimes have built. This nation has been plunged into endless years of misrule, with its characterized agony, torture, poverty and pains that seems endless. There is no discipline ethics in any government department. Government officials, who are paid with tax payers money now see their supposed official duties as favor or services on which they must be compensated (with bribe) by citizens. Productive hours are wasted on meaningless activities with tax payers money spent prodigally.
The National Assembly is largely made up of discredited men of questionable characters, some of whom should not have been able to win a ward election, thanks to OBJ’s electioneering procedure. With the present composition of our Legislature, one needs no diviner to confirm the nation is heading to the abyss. Legislators entrusted with the destiny of a nation as important as Nigeria should be dedicated men of dignity with outstanding records of service. In this dispensation, the reverse is the case. Our legislature has turn to the assembly of mediocre who use their offices to corruptly enrich themselves at the expense of the future of the nation. It is only in Nigeria that a senator, whose office is in Abuja resides in Enugu, Kano or Lagos only to visit Abuja whenever there is business. Because of their lack of commitment, it of no surprise that no life transforming law has ever been passed since the inauguration of the National Assembly in May
1999 or how can a thief make law to punish himself. What a disappointment! Because it is not been carried out sincerely, the anti corruption program has failed to yield any meaningful result in an environment where white collar crime is always given kudos as a smart move.
Corruption and indiscipline among Nigerian nationals transcends far beyond the shores of the nation. Majority of Nigerians, irrespective of their geographical base across the globe indulge in high level corruption and indiscipline and this has put a red tag on the few decent and discipline ones. In the real sense, corruption and indiscipline is the most valid identity for Nigerians worldwide. What a fate!
Because of the insincere ways government is handling the issue of corruption and indiscipline, it has refuse to yield positive results. Past leaders have made the mistakes of shielding their corrupt friends and relatives, which is the bane of our problems. As long as you are connected, everything goes! Our refusal to deviate from this deceptive path would sink us deeper in difficulties. In all honesty, this nation has failed to live up to expectation in the comity of nations, more importantly in Africa but, for those of us that believe in truth and righteousness, there is something beyond the failure, tears, pains and losses. There is hope!
To this end, I strongly challenge Mr. President, Umar Yar’Adua to rise to the challenges destiny has placed on him. Although, some of us are still in doubt of your acclaimed reputation, considering the manipulation that forced you on the nation but since destiny has smiled at you this time, bear in mind that the opportunity might not come again. You are seen as successful today but the tasks are enormous part of which is to completely sanitize this nation and encourage discipline, dedication to the work of nation building with sacrificial services. You must learn from the foolishness of the so called successful men of the past. Greater success calls for greater responsibilities, greater measure of trust but with greater vulnerability. Leadership entails responsibilities, sacrifice and high degree of discipline. In other world, to whom much is given, much is expected. Who knows, if it is for a time like this that God has brought you to this position.
There is no better time to rebuild the foundation but now. The problem is not only with those that started it but also with us that refuse to do something about it. Corruption and indiscipline don’t stop by themselves, but someone or a group of people has to stop it. Part of the urgent assignment that require your immediate action is to probe the activities of Obasanjo as the sole controller of NNPC, the backbone of the nation’s income and his children. If you fail to bring Iyabo Obasanjo Bello to justice, your integrity is at stake and your dignity is in question.
In one of my published articles in 2006 titled: LOOTING GALORE IN HIGH PLACES I called the attention of the EFCC to a surprising report of the discovery by the FBI of an account with 100 million dollars traced to Gbenga Obasanjo. One of the surprise responses I got in the e-mail was a call for my head. According to the young man, OBJ is an idol that should be worshiped for exposing the corrupt nature of his then estranged Vice President, Abubakah Atiku. It is a pity that this young man could not see beyond the hypocrisy of OBJ. who was bent on destroying Atiku while claiming sainthood. The question is “what could have prevented OBJ. from setting up a competent independent million dollars worth by his wife. Corruption with style flows in the veins of the members of this family. They deserve an award in the practice of operation chop and clean panel to probe into the activities of both his vice and himself at the PITF if he was sure of his acclaimed sainthood. IF the FBI lied against Gbenga, what about the recent exposure of scandalous activities of Iyabo as well as the revelation of Gbenga’s mouth or is it not like father like children?