A few days ago while sitting alone after a long day at school, thinking of
how to get my mind off the academic stress and routine, I came across an
article on Barack Hussein Obama, the democratic candidate for the
President of the “united” states of America, the article was about his
vision for a new United State of America (my emphasis on United).
Originally I had wanted to write an article on President Umar Musa
Yar’adua and the burdens of his “legitimate” government. It would have
basically been an article attacking the government of President Yar’adua
concerning issues on the war against corruption and electoral fraud. I had
planned to write it in an interesting way, but at some point I felt it was
rather too negative and harsh, maybe because of my frustration on how
corruption still pays in Nigeria and how glorified corrupt individuals are
in the country. Well for now I have decided to look into the bigger
picture, to write something about the next world “leader” which normally should not be of much
concern to me. By the way who says the world needs a president anyway?
Notwithstanding, I might still go back to continue with my article on
President Yar’adua’s administration.
Many people are likely to disagree with me on the choice and content
of this article for different reasons and of course for genuine reasons in
most cases but because of the increasing influence and power of the US
government in the day to day affairs of the rest of us (I mean the rest of
the world), I think we will only be doing justice to ourselves if we put
some interest in who becomes the next president of the United States of
America. For obvious reasons, the race to the white house is more
interesting and entertaining this time around. More and more Americans are
beginning to put in some interest in politics and more people from the
outside world are watching with keen interest. With the way things
have been over the last 8years of President Bush administration, politics
in Washington is no more left in the hands of politicians, people now seem
to be calling for a change, the world is shouting for a change too at
least the Iraqis will tell you that.
This is because, whoever is likely to be the next US
president and by extension the next Chief inspector general of the world
will have to be a better and more articulate person than George Bush. A
lot of people will agree with me that today Washington has become the
world’s police station and the inhabitant of the white house is the
World’s inspector general of Police. Forget about the economic crises in
American today and the fall in the value of the US currency, the bitter
fact still remains that, America controls either directly or indirectly
40 percent of the World. At least that is how it seems to be. Well for
those who are just awake to current affairs, the battle for the white
house has now been narrowed down to Senator Hilary Clinton, Senator
Barack Obama and Senator John McCain. Hilary Clinton obviously does not
need much introduction; at least the name Clinton should give most people
a hint, yes! She is the former first lady. John McCain is one person I honestly see as possibly becoming
the next president because I see he has what it takes (hold your horses,
do not throw away the article, I will justify my claims). Certainly it
would be a living nightmare to have a John McCain as the next US
president but I definitely see the possibility, well this is simply
because I see the guy as being shrewd, even mean, enough to take over the
reins where George W. Bush will leave off, you can tell from his face
that he will be another war president, partly due to his long and
extensive career in the military and his ultrances and that is
exactly what the cooperate lobbyist want.
War means money to them, and
peace is certainly a threat to their investments. However, Barack Obama
is a candidate I so much admire; I will be very economical with the truth
if I say that I would not want to be a politician like him. He certainly
is everything he is said to be; smart, articulate, inspiring, appealing, energetic and very determined to the
course he believes in. He is also a tough and focus candidate as he puts
it in his own words: “I try to explain to people that I may be skinny,
but I am tough”. Obama’s appearance in his many elections campaigns
around the US has been exciting and mind-blowing. Even his most dedicated
critics agree that the guy is smart and articulate, he certainly
represent the modern leader, well dressed in his suits, tall and handsome
like a Hollywood star; the manner and confidence he exhibits in his
speech is well collected and articulate. Even under intense pressure, his
arcane sense of humour shows through the crowd like a bright new star
that he is. Yet as perfect as Obama seems, he is not the likely person I
see clinching victory come November this year, certainly not because he
is black, perhaps because of his determination to bring about "CHANGE".
Change is one thing most people are scared of, even your average Joe is scared of change because
of the uncertainties of what it might bring about, most especially when
change is not being specified rather generalised. If it where my choice
to decide who the next “world leader” should be, I would certainly go for
an Obama atleast with the hope that things will not be the same as they
currently are.
The big question now is what kind of a president does “the world” needs?
Definitely someone smart and intelligent (as we have seen what daft and
dull leaders can do), excellent speeches, a good and clean heart, and an
innocent personality would be just enough, an articulate mind would
certainly be an icing to the cake. For the benefit of doubt, this is the
type of leader "the world needs". Forget about skin pigmentation or
historic background, Barack Obama is the man we need. And oh I wish we
could get our way this time around! Unfortunately, the factors and players
in the American politics do not consider any of this. For those that think
political mafias and barons only exist in third world countries would have
to explain how a father made up his mind to install his partially retarded
son as a president of the country regarded as “mother of democracy” so as
to create and continue the Bush dynasty. Of course we now know how easy it
is to rally the corporate America behind a project Bush. Or if you are in doubt, then
look into the strategy adopted by the Bush administration bring fear and
terror unto the doorstep of each and every American for the sake of a
second term? In fact these people are so powerful that getting a third
term through a McCain or even Hilary Clinton would simply be a fiat
acompli. A sealed deal waiting to be delivered, but some people will
still argue that America is going through an Economic crisis where
thousands of people are losing jobs and industries closing up, and thus
Americans are up and ready for a change. Well the theoretical and real
factors/issues that would then determine who Americans will vote for in
November are the failing economy, the strengthening of America’s position
as the World’s military and political power, the war in Iraq, and of
course the war on terror among others.
Certainly with these factors on ground, the US does not need a Mr. Nice
guy; it certainly does not need a Mr. Harvard either. What it need is a
cunning and shrewd president, a president that will look into our faces
and lie without even noticing our existence. A president that will be
cunning and smart (not book smart) enough to convince the world that
he/she is a god sent angel sent from heaven to save the world from“terrorist”, while carrying out the most evil and inhumane jobs that will
be required for the cooperate America to regain its lost territories,
dominate the world and bring about a new world order! America will “need”
a president that will continue the war on terror, either in the same
manner George Bush has carried his, or in a more intelligent and cunning
manner, while parading him/herself as a vanguard for peace and unity.
American “needs” a president that will understand the need for America to
rein supreme in world politics, and to bring about A NEW WORLD ORDER! In
all this, I see Hilary Clinton or John McCain to be the next president but
certainly not Barack Hussein Obama, our choice!
By: Abdul hafiz Musa Abdullah