President Yar’Adua and the Niger Delta Ministry
By Joel Nwokeoma
If any one is in doubt about the sincerity of the Federal Government of
Nigeria to address the protracted crises in the Niger Delta region of the
country, recent measures by the government point clearly to that
direction. In what he said was a measure aimed at achieving the “prompt
execution of his programme for the area”, President Umaru Yar’Adua,
recently created the Ministry of the Niger Delta.
The thinking of the President, reflected in his widely reported remarks to
the visiting British Minister for Africa, Asia and the United Nations,
Lord Malloch Brown the other day in Abuja, is that, “when the blueprint
of the region’s development is aggressively implemented by the
ministry, it will be clear to everyone that the Federal Government did its
homework on how to end the neglect”. How the President arrived at this
simplistic thought process over such a crucial issue beggars belief, to
put it mildly.
This, however, followed quickly on the heels of the composition and
inauguration of a 40 member “Technical Committee on the Niger Delta”,
penultimate week, headed by Ledum Mitee to, as was reported, review all
the Reports and Position Papers on the region from the colonial period to
the present era, ranging from the Sir Willinks Report to the Deneral
Alexander Ogomudia Committee. And this, not forgetting the much celebrated
Niger Delta Marshal Plan which the last administration had launched with
funfare last year. To be seen to be in a haste to redress the challenge,
the Federal Government gave the committee just 10 days to submit its
report as if we do not know what the problems and challenges over the
years in the region are, which we need a team of 40 wise (wo)men to distil
from mountains of reports spanning over half a century.
It is instructive however that as plausible as this might seem, the
creation of the Niger Delta ministry “as the primary vehicle for
engendering rapid socio-economic development in the region,” by
President Yar'Adua is one huge joke taken too far by the Federal
Government because, if history is anything to go by, there is nothing to
suggest that the newly created ministry would perform any wonders as
anticipated by the Federal Government. In fact, as they say in the
development circle, there is just no verifiable indicator around to depict
that the ministerial mechanism would work.
This is so because the bureaucracy in Nigeria has never been an engine of
growth and national development in the country especially following the
advent of the military in Nigeria government and politics in 1966.
Instead, it has been a study in gross inefficiency, waste, graft, and
national stagnation. In fact, it can be safely said that Nigeria is what
it is today, a land of dashed opportunities and wasted potentials, because
its bureaucracy has long ceased to be a vehicle of anything progressive
and useful. Given this, thinking of a ministry as a mechanism to
addressing the long drawn developmental challenges of the region, at the
risk of sounding monotonous, is a voyage of fantancy.
The bureaucracy in Nigeria is beset by myriads of self-inflicted
challenges and constraints, which does not make it primed enough to solve
the numerous and peculiar problems, the type of which define the Niger
Delta landscape, and have since assumed national and international
dimension for reasons too obvious to recount here, which the ministry
would be expected to solve too soon.
For instance, a recent survey conducted by the World Bank Country Office
in Nigeria in collaboration with the British Department for International
Development (DFID) indicated that the Federal Government through the
Federal Ministry of Education, which has been in existence since
independence in 1960, has between 1999 and 2007 alone spent a whooping
N832.6 billion to finance public education in the country. This huge
expenditure notwithstanding, the main features of public education in
Nigeria within this period include among others decaying or collapsed
facilities, poor remuneration of teachers among others, leading to, as one
report recently put it, over 8 million Nigerian children of school age
being on the streets instead of classrooms. The consequences of this ugly
reality on our socio-economic development are too chilling to contemplate.
This unfortunately is the case with other ministries across the country
where so much funds are allocated yearly
with nothing to show for it. Is it in the Health ministry where our
hospitals and clinics have since become burial grounds with the president
himself admitting to have gone to a German hospital recently to treat a
bout of catarrh? Or that of Defence, where a certain top official was
charged for stealing and theft of funds running into hundreds of millions
while salaries of staff remained unpaid?
Against the backdrop of the foregoing, it seems too naïve to think that
the creation of a ministry of Niger Delta is the panacea to the region's
many and long drawn challenges. As one activist conceeded the other day,
government sponsored efforts to solve the problems in the past had not
worked. In his words:"To create another bureaucracy that does not deal
with the real issues and that stalls the Niger Delta problem would be
difficult to take".
But if one may ask, what is the guarantee that the newly created Ministry
of Niger Delta would now perform the magic which the Niger Delta
Development Commission (NDDC), another of the many interventionist
strategies of the Federal Government, set up in 2000 by the Olusegun
Obasanjo government to relieve poverty in the region, has so dramatically
and sensationally failed to perform till date having been hamstrung by the
twin factors of poor management and funding? Millions of dollars meant
for the body were withheld from it by the government of former President
Obasanjo while the Chairman of the Board was recently charged with
stealing 800m naira ($6.1m, £3.5m).
It obviously bears repeating that the sincerity or otherwise of the
Federal Government in the Niger Delta would be seen more by its actions on
the region rather than its posturings. To engender rapid socio-economic
development in the Niger Delta, it is evident that no one needs a ministry
and a 40-Man Team as a vehicle, measures that woefully failed in times
past. What is needed, instead, is sincerity of purpose, strong committment
and the political will to act right by the Federal Government. Was it, if
one may ask, the Federal Capital Territory Authority ministry that turned
Abuja into the fastest growing city in Africa? Why can't the Abuja
experiment be replicated in the Niger Delta region? Or, do we need a
ministry to construct and/or repair the Warri-Port Harcourt Expressway,
the Ore-Benin and Onitsha-Owerri Federal Highways, to mention but a few,
all deathtraps in the Niger Delta, build model health institutions, create
jobs and make life less
brutish, nasty and short in the region?
Nonetheless,one hopes, and prays too, that by the time the ministry marks
its one year anniversary this time next year, the President would not, as
he is wont to, reverse its creation.
Nwokeoma is executive director, Concerned Professionals Ltd/Gte, an NGO
based in Lagos
Joel Nwokeoma, M.Sc
Executive Director
Concerned Professionals Ltd/Gte
36A, Ikorodu Crescent,
Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi
Tel: +234-01-461-4085
Mobile: +234-805-2030-175