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Petroleum Price Hike And Vat Increase: A PDP Device To Escape by Thankgod Ekene Nnaji



In the midst of contention on the election’s result that brought in Yar’Adua, which was international and local acclaimed to be distantly far from been free and fair, that was made possible through the instrumentality of INEC spear headed by “Iwu’ruwuru”.
The air was yet to be cleared on how those presently occupying various political positions where (s)elected, another unwholesomely mental depressing, psychological torturing and economic disarming strategies were unleashed on Nigerians.
We cannot be blind and cannot be deceived to know that all these are sets of plans concocted by People’s Destructive Party (PDP) waiting for the right time to unleash them, in order to achieve their vaunted and self-centered interests.

The election Plan was well strategized and well executed (thanks to INEC which has not conducted a free and fair election for once in Nigeria). To concretize and solidify the already well-executed imposition of the (s)elected officers, petroleum price was hiked and VAT increased. This is the fine tuning of the strategy selfishly and purposely executed to relegate majority of Nigerians to the bottomless table of economic handi-cap, in order not to find their voice to cry out on the foul play played during April poll and the last minutes misdeeds of the immediate past administration. Even if we are able to find our voice, the burdened yoke they hanged on us will dominate our attention that we will not be able to raise our head to ask questions on mismanagement and to defend Justice.

The oil price hike and VAT increase was a ground designed plan to station, establish and seat-tight Yar’Adua. It has no moral, social and economic justification rather self-centered justification opposing the wishes and interest of majority. It’s a carefully designed plan to create confusion, to throw the majority off balance and to distract attention on the contention of April poll results knowing fully well that the case is still in election tribunal. It is a crafty and strategically plan adopted to pave way for Obasanjo to escape unquestioned on his last minutes shady deals on how Port –Harcourt and Kaduna Refineries were sold.

Nigerians are not suffering from Amnesia, our retrieval cue is so active and sharp that we have not swallowed how the Bell University Ota project fund was raised, who owns major shares in Transnational Corporation (Transcorp) that is virtually buying all the properties owned by the public, the much lingered PTDF case that involved former number one and number two Heads of Government, of which the outcome of the past Senate investigation Panel did not see the light of the day, do we talk about the excesses from oil. All these and more are not yet swallowed let alone digesting them.

The increase is a strategy of economic hostage fashioned to hold us captive so that in bundled and despair economic condition we shall be looking on and crying for Yar’Adua for mercy. The snare of the People’s Democratic Party(PDP) is so destructive and deadly that they know where to hit Nigerians hard to actualize their daunted desire and to perpetuate their seat on power.

But in all these things we are more than conquerors, our voice will not lost, our voice must be heard. Thanks to justice rooted Civil Societies, Human Right Activists and Labour Union in whose voice and stand we have been able to shield the darts of PDP, even as they have disarmed and crippled other Opposition Parties that would have stood as alternative, which is indispensable and formidable tool of Democracy.

Therefore Nigerians should put on the whole amour of Democracy that we may be able to stand against the wiles and withstand in evil days of PDP. We should therefore stand, having our loins girt about with majority wishes and interests that is the Truth, and having on, the breastplate of Transparency in Governance and our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of fairness and justice; and take the helmet of knowledge and wisdom of Democracy.

Above all, taking the shield of Human Right wherewith we shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the Un-democrats (few against the wishes and interests of majority). Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Constitution and watching thereto with all perseverance and supplication for all True Democrats.

And for Labour Unions, Civil Societies and Human Right Activists that utterance may be given to them that they may open their mouth boldly, to make know the hidden truth of the justice.




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