Poverty and the Gullibility of its Citizens
Gullibility is an affliction that is no respecter of class, religion,
gender, or race. Gullibility is a widespread product of people's failure
to properly apply reason, logic, and skepticism to a claim or idea.
Unfortunately, the worse a person is at doing this, the less likely they
are to realize it; indeed, they can be among those who think they do the
best. As a consequence, gullibility festers and encourages the development
of false, irrational, and even dangerous beliefs. Watching Dispatches
Special: Saving Africa's Witch Children on Channel 4 on the 12th November
just shows how the level of societal degradation have turned its citizens
so gullible that children that need love, education and care are now being
abandoned due to the influence of brain washing psycho kinesis men and
women portraying themselves as pastors, prophetess, evangelisit, deacon,
deaconess and whatever. What pains me is the level of poverty, lack of
infrastructures, societal deprivation, pollution and lack of basic hygiene
around which can make not even children under two sick but a full grown
According to Platform, In the Niger Delta, between 1976 and 1998, over 2.5
million barrels of oil have been spilt into the Delta environment; and
that is only spills officially recorded by the Department of Petroleum
Resources. Leaking pipelines, running through villages, farms, creeks and
rivers in the Niger Delta, are a major source of pollution, sickness and
economic ruin for the people of the Niger Delta. Farmland polluted by oil
is rarely rehabilitated, destroying livelihoods. Fish contaminated by oil
cause sickness among the people and further economic ruin as fish stocks
But unfortunately the so-called Pastors are making a killing by extorting
money from gullible people (The Gospel is free-I am sure some would
disagree) saying they can cast such spell from these children. I’ve been
thinking about a great impostor—one so clever that he deceived even the
devil himself. This master of illusion has turned angels into demons,
kings into animals, pastors into predators, and sheep into wolves. While
the elusive deceiver is not a person, it overcomes that problem by
borrowing personality from its victims. With no shame, it clothes itself
in the thoughts, emotions, and wills of those whose trust it betrays. Such
people come to mind e.g. Helen Ukapbio, very arrogant, argumentative and
develop an exaggerated opinion of her own importance. This deceiver of
deceivers is pride. They have hats for every occasion and masks for every
emotion. They have different voice for every decision.
Jesus was kind to people that other religious leaders avoided, and never
deceived people. He ate and drank with people that other religious leaders
wouldn’t be caught dead with. He touched lepers, talked respectfully
with women, and loved noisy children.
This documentary shows how the Gospel mixed with inspiring idealism,
rugged cultural beliefs in addition to the polluted environment and
economic stagnation: what it means to be faithful to the highest
principles while offering mercy and hope to the most broken people has no
place in such society. Parents who are suppose to show love, care, and
educate their children are doing the opposite. Our so-called Churches have
become a culture of confusionism where leaders use spiritual language that
implies they have a private line to God. The result is that the group
learns to hear the teaching or prayerful decisions of leadership as if
they were listening to God. Such confusion leads to trouble. When
spiritual overseers are not held accountable to fair process and
well-defined checks and balances, they can impose their will in ways that
go beyond their rightful sphere of control, leaders can require submission
in matters that are more personal than public, more cultural than
biblical. In the noise and commotion of such abuse, phrases like “touch
not the Lord’s anointed” or “obey them that have the rule over
you” are used, or according to Helen Ukapbio “I have over 150
churches”, not to promote a healthy fear of the Lord but rather an
unhealthy fear of men.and women.
When Jesus pressed the logic of moral idealism, He did so in order to
lovingly humble self-righteous people (Matthew 5:20-48). When He offered
mercy instead of morality, He did so to show that He had come not to
condemn but to rescue (John 3:17; 12:47). Jesus’ example of leadership
is a corrective to such abuse of authority. In His kingdom, leaders think
and act like servants. They hear the questions and cries of those who are
hurting. They give others the consideration they want for themselves. In
Jesus’ kingdom, elders and deacons do not correct someone else without
first working on their own faults (Luke 6:39,41-42). They remember the
Lord’s words: “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who
is perfectly trained will be like his teacher” (Luke 6:40). Even when
confronting false teachers, representatives of Christ are not to be
authoritarian in style, but “gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in
humility correcting those who are in opposition” (2 Timothy 2:24-25).
The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) needs to play an enlightenment
role here, rather than close an eye or sweep the issue under the carpet,
they need to begin to educate the people about practices. Not even a face
saving measure will eradicate the practice but effective education and
awareness if that means exposing such people. Rather than fall to
deep-seated belief in supernatural forces and allow evangelical churches
are capitalizing on this superstitious element in African thought and
culture to peddle and propagate their paranormal service, read the bible
for yourselves.
A big kudos to the Governor of Akwa Ibom for his effort but more could be
done. These people need science, not superstition; critical thinking, not
dogma; open mindedness, not blind faith; reason, not revelation; and
industries jobs and technological advancement, not the Holy Spirit and
miracles. Africa needs scepticism, not Pentecostalism. The children need
care, not fear, hope not abuse, love not hate, food not hunger, home and
not destitution and finally education for a better future.
As for Gary Foxcroft and Sam Itauma, your efforts, doggness to show the
world about the evangelical religious fervour is combined with a belief in
sorcery and black magic is commendable. Everyone of us have a role to play
to eradicate this poison destroying these kids, as Gary said “Any
Christian would look at the situation that is going on here and just be
absolutely outraged that they were using the teachings of Jesus Christ to
exploit and abuse innocent children." This has to stop.
To watch this documentary log on to:
http://www.channel4.com/news/ articles/dispatches/saving+ africas+witch+children/2780062
You can contact the author on danmeka@inbox.com