It is simply amazing how some clowns who parade themselves as leaders in Nigeria try to always insult the intelligigence of the Nigerian people. It is realy sad how these crooks make ridiculous statements the moment they fall out of favour with the status quo. Recently we have had former Ekiti State governor, Ayo Fayose, and career politician, Jerru Gana. The former who robbed the state blind, was the poster child in the south west during the rogue regime of ex President Olusegun Obasanjo. He saw nothing wrong with the retrogressive policies of his godfather, Obasanjo...he even went to London to campaign for him to rule Nigeria for ever. Then it happened . His political fathe,Obasanjo, instigated his removal...then he started singing like a canary. Gana, one of the most shameless politicians in Nigeria, had served all criminal regimes in Nigeria. He defended every silly policy. Today, he is out, and making sick statements about Obasanjo. Back to the PDP chairman Ahmadu Ali's statement on Obasanjo's economic policies. He shamelessly said he didnt like them. He knew he is out, his wife didnt get the senate sit...so this clown is actin true to type.
For years Obasanjo and his vice , Abubaka Atiku, used hundreds of millions of dollars to pay so called lobbyst in the United States to 'say nice things' about Nigeria. The regime paid cronies like Andrew Young to sell Nigeria to the world. But the truth is, every investor home and abroad knows that the Obasanjo regime is the worst Nigeria has ever had . It was a very corrupt regime that wrecked the economy with bogus economic policies. what with the sale of Nigeria to his cronies, removal of subsidies etc. Obasanjo ran the Central Bank and Petroleum ministry as his private property. The PTDF was in his pocket. So no one should be shocked at the amount paid to lobbyst. Truth is , even though the figure was released by the US justice Dept. we know the real cost will be over 1 billion dollars.
To some of us the revelation did not come as a surprise. Some advocates have always told the British Govt. and people to look inwards. The point is most advocates of Nazi immigration policies, in the US and UK, have always branded hardworking illegal immigrants as threats to national security.These xenophobics, and left over of the Klu Klux Klan, in the media, senate, etc always say round them up and deport.In America we see illegals who keep the farms,warehouses eatries,construction industry etc running as threat to national security. In the senate, the GOP guys, during the immigration debate favoured the entry into America, top brains like doctors,scientists etc, but opposed the legalisation of over 12million illegals here. But truth is all of those who plot these evil are citizens and legal residents. We remember the US bombers busted recently...five of them are citizens, but the racist medialike FOX News focused on one illegal amongst them. Today people like Lou Dobbs of CNN, senator Jeff Sessions, Kay Bailey hutchinson, believe if you give Z-visas to illegals , you encourage terrorists. The UK incident is a wake-up call. America should check out their top drawer citizens liks doctors before its too late. Wait a minute...Al-Zawahiri, Bin-Laden's vice is a medical doctor.
It is a shame that the Klans men and women in the GOP failed to see why President George Bush pushed so hard for the immigration bill to become law. Even though i am a Democrat, i salute his courage, and love for the Republican party. The party, today has nothing going for it. With Iraq,sacking of the Attorneys immigration, and now the commuting of scooter Libbys sentence, it could be worse for the GOP. We all saw what happened to the part during the last congress elections. They lost so many sits . Mitt Romney of massachusetts was kicked out because of his hatred for illegals. There is no doubt, even in the minds of the GOP guys, that the Democrats will take the White House very soon. they dont even have any solid candidate to challenge Barack Obama, not to talk of the giant..Hillary Rodham Clinton. My prediction is that the GOP will lose more senate and House sits next time. There is no doubt that the hispanic voters will purnish the party for killing the immigration bill. The tragedy is not that they opposed the bill, they had no alternative. One of them even said illegals came here to work, so dont let them have part to citizenship. So in a few years to come you will be able to count the GOP senators and reps on your finger tips.
It is really ridiculous how the powers that be at fox news think running down Hillary clinton with fake opinion polls and comments by silly analysts could stop her form becoming President. There is no way this tactic will work. What they should do is tell the conservatives to present a credible candidate to match the powers of this iron lady. she is bright, experienced,but ofcourse not perfect. The GOP need a well rounded candidate not clowns like Giuliani, Romney, etc...John Mcain could be it, but he is in a party of KKK men, so ....