OBJ/ATIKU RECONCILIATION: Good omen for Nigeria's democracy
by Hajiya Hafsat M. Zanna
Kindly allow me the opportunity to use your widely read newspaper to say that even democrats in advanced democracies of the world like USA, UK, Germany, Russia, China among others, have acknowledged that Nigeria¢s democracy is the most vibrant of all democracies in the world. Nigerian politicians like their foreign counterparts don¢t have permanent enemies but permanent interests. They will wine and dine under the same political umbrella today and fight under different political platforms tomorrow. Nothing is permanent in Nigerian politics. It is in the greater interests of the country that they bury their hatchets and be seeing to be working together. It is a sign of big and good things to come our way in the years ahead. Nigeria go better.
Nigerians are quite aware of the infighting between former President Obasanjo and his Deputy, Atiku in their last in office. That situation had almost held the country hostage for quite a few months if not even years. Today, almost two years after leaving office, both Obasanjo and Atiku have reunited, reconciled and forgiven each other for all the wrongs done each other. He had admitted further that the strained relationship with Atiku was not for personal reasons or animosity but for political exigencies which don¢t last forever. He added that such disagreements are natural in politics.
According to newspaper reports last Tuesday, at the instance of Obasanjo, the Governors forum, President Yar¢adua and former military President Babangida have worked day and night to ensure the re-union of the two leaders in the larger interests of the country and her citizens. By this action, Chief Obasanjo has once more shown that he is an elder, a statesman, a patriot and one who¢s overriding interest as a former military head of state and democrat President for 8 years, is the progress and unity of the country. Obasanjo has shunned all tribal, myopic, vindictive, parochial interests for the larger survival of Nigeria¢s democracy. He has demonstrated good sportsmanship like in his recent approach to finding a lasting solution to our march towards progress, development, peace and unity which are the hallmark of our national aspiration and motto.
For this, President Obasanjo deserves some recognition and commendation. Even though the two belong to different political parties, their more than two hours meeting has gone a long way to tell Nigerians and the world over that political differences should not be a hindrance to the sharing of ideas.
Even former President Obasanjo had himself admitted that things were not going on well in the country and that something must be done urgently to address the situation. Indications are that President Yar¢adua has shunned Obasanjo since he came into office. This is the case of a betrayal at the highest level. And so the dire need to start a relentless war of political realignment and avert catastrophe that is staring the country in the eyes.
One is therefore happy that Obasanjo himself has realized the need to work towards finding a lasting solution to our present situation. One of such things is to bring back to the fold experienced and dependable associates like Atiku Abubakar who has what it takes to move the country out of the doldrums. Nigerians have not the slightest doubts that Atiku, if given the chance is capable of transforming the country into a real giant of Africa.
Once more, I say congratulations to President Obasanjo for making that bold move to reunite with Atiku. We only hope that this realignment will translate into better things to come to the country¢s political sojourn as we get closer to 2011.
Hajiya Hafsat M. Zanna
( musahafsat@yahoo.com )
87, Gamborun Ngala street