Before the MTN latest product/promotion - Treasure Hunt - comes to an end, it is pertinent to trash out some issues pertaining to the Hunt. According to MTN Nigeria, Treasure Hunt is a promotion. But what kind of promo? Many Nigerians, irrespective of the credit crunch and its implication on their pockets have spent so much money playing the pool or gambling in the guise of a Treasure Hunt. The more pathetic aspect of the hunt is that the terms and conditions were not made public, making Nigerians to embark on a journey for the treasure blindfolded.
When I initially got the text from MTN inviting me to embark on the hunt, I ignored it. I knew how fraudulent and deceitful corporate promotions in Nigeria are. And no corporate body can make any pretension of its culpability except, may be, the popular MTN millonaire Game.
But I became involved in the hunt due to complaints by some people who said that the persuasive and sweet-talking languages employed by MTN Nigeria to hood wink them into spending, almost One thousand Five Hundred Naira daily, to play the game (Hunt) without winning is just like those of 419 scammers and 'yahoo yahoo' scam mails. And I had to confirm the languages for my self by embarking on the hunt. To my chargrin, I became so commited to it that I spent more than Ten Thousand Naira worth of credit replying their sweet-talking text messages without even a win. My grouse is not winning. But it is about the way the communication giant turned many Nigerians into gamblers. And it is sad.
Now that the Hunt is almost over, Nigerians want to know who licenced MTN Nigeria to engage in gambling or pool business when they cannot even ensure the provision of good network coverage for its subscribers. The EFCC, ICPC, Nigeria Police and Nigerian Communication Commission must look into the way and manner the so-called promotion was carried out. Promotion should be hinged on the consumption of certain amount of credit by subscribers rather than wasting one hundred Naira each time a subscriber replies to a scam-like text messages.
As I write this report, I have already accummulated 3530 points (three thousand, five hundred and thirty points). Each text is 10 points and costs one hundred naira, with ocassional bonus points messages.
These are some of the text messages sent luring me to reply and win. The way they get personal, calling their victims by name is so interesting. The texts are verbatim from MTN to me.
EGAGA, you’re one of our top players and could win tonight’s N1m prize. Boost your chances by replying TOP
HELLO, EGAGA! We’ve got a question for you: what’s your favourite colour? Reply with the answer. You currently have 800 points.
EGAGA, we’ve got cash. We need winners. Do you want to win? Reply Y and you just might!
Another huge prize must go today! You now have 870 points. Reply WELL.
IT’s BONUS TIME! Win a Sony Ericsson phone+ N1 Million. Texts=points. Points=Cash! Reply SONY, as many times as you like.
Dream of never-ending holiday? Win our 10m jackpot and you can have one! Reply DREAM
This week’s Hunt is almost over. Star prize: N2 million. Bonus: TV+ DVD players. You have 900 PTS! Reply BOOST for more
Want a PLASMA TV? We have lots to give away every week! Reply TV to get bonus points! SEND, SEND, SEND and watch your points grow!
EGAGA, WHAT’S BETTER than N1 million? N2 million! Reply and name your favourite sport to gain more points!
WE’VE GIVEN AWAY millions! New winners every 24 hours. Is it your turn tonight? Reply TURN for more.
Can’t wait for the holidays? Win 1 million and relax early! Reply EARLY
Today we’re giving away a massive cash prize Reply CASH to be in the prize draw.
Win N1m and buy everyone a gift this holiday season. New millionaires daily. Reply GIFT
Tonight, someone will win N1 million. To play reply ME.
Dream of millions. Play now, wake up as a millionaire. Reply DREAM
Take N10m off our hands. Winner picked 3 Feb. Daily and weekly prizes still available. To win them all, reply ALL
Kick off 2009 as a winner. N1m must go tonight. To play, reply KICK
EGAGA, REPLY NOW and you could be N1 million richer by tonight! More replies=more chances of winning!
EGAGA, you now have 1920 points. Is it Feb 3 yet? No? Then N10m could still be yours. Reply POT for more points.
You could pocket M10m in just eight days. Hike your points – reply EIGHT
EGAGA, 10 days from now someone will win N10m. Stockpile points now. To get some, reply TEN
Our vault will swing open soon. It contains N10m. Grab it all on 3 Feb. Reply GRAB
Don’t wait until pay day – live in luxury tonight! Win up to 10m. Reply LUXURY
Win a fortune and change your life today. Huge prizes available but last day is Feb 3. Win yours now. Reply FORTUNE
Hi EGAGA, we’re having a great day. Now it’s your turn. Get more points instantly – just reply GREAT
It’s all over on 3 Feb. Only six days left to change your life. Reply SIX
Our vault will swing open soon. It contains N10m. Grab it all on 3 Feb. Reply GRAB.
In five days, someone will be N10m richer. Highest points total wins. To be that someone, reply FIVE
Wanted – one greater player. Reward – N10m. Four days left. Reply FOUR EGAGA to add points.
In two days we write a N10m cheque. Your name could be on it EGAGA. Play to win. Reply TWO
We've given away MILLIONS! Now it's jackpot time. You have 3530 poits. Reply TURN for more
I registered in the hunt as EGAGA USHIE.
Egaga Ushie