Dr. Rahman Olusegun Mimiko was born on 3rd October, 1954 , to Pa and Mrs.
Atiku Bamidele Mimiko of Ondo, Ondo State . His great, great grandfather
was the High Chief Adaja Gbegbaje of Ondo. His great grandfather, Chief
Akinmeji, was the distinguished Ruwase of Ondo. His grandfather, Pa
Famimikomi, was an accomplished man. His gallantry in those long years
attracted great respect, some of which rubbed-off on his own son, the late
Pa A. B. Mimiko, himself an accomplished manager of men and materials, a
cocoa plantation farmer, an avid reader and monitor of global
developments, an erudite social commentator and a compassionate leader of
men. Dr. Mimiko’s mother is of the eminent Ogunsulie family of Ondo
Kingdom .
Dr. Mimiko entered St. Joseph ’s College, Ondo, in 1966, and left with the
West African School Certificate in 1970. Between 1971 and 1972, he was a
Higher School Certificate (HSC) student at the popular Gboluji Grammar
School , Ile-Oluji. Dr. Mimiko entered the University of Ife (now Obafemi
Awolowo University ), Ile-Ife in 1972. In 1976, he bagged a B.Sc. Health
Sciences Degree; and the MB; CH.B in 1980. He is appropriately registered
with the Nigerian Medical and Dental Council as a Medical Practitioner.
As a medical doctor, Dr. Olusegun Mimiko has worked in different
establishments over the past 26 years. Between 1980 and 1981, he was a
House Officer with the Ondo State Health Management Board under which
auspices he worked at the General (now State Specialist) Hospital,
Ado-Ekiti. He had a stint with the Nigerian Naval College (NNS Onura),
Onne, Port Harcourt , between 1981 and 1982, from where he returned to
join the services of the Ondo State Health Management Board as Medical
Officer in the General (now State Specialist) Hospital, Ondo, in 1982.
From late 1983 to 1984, Dr. Mimiko had his initial taste of private
medical practice by working at different times as a Medical Officer at
Apagun Clinic, Yaba, Lagos; and as Acting Medical Director, Alleluyah
Hospital, Oshodi, Lagos. He returned to public service for another year
between April 1984 and February 1985 (again with the Ondo State Health
Management Board) before finally going into full private medical practice
with the setting up of the MONA MEDI-CLINIC with headquarters at Ondo.
Beyond his professional and business callings, Dr. Olusegun Mimiko has an
abiding interest in politics. He predicates his political engagement on
the conviction that responsible leadership through a social democratic
process provides the basis for the resolution of Nigeria ’s crises, and
the emancipation of the African.
Dr. Mimiko’s many years of involvement in politics dates back to his
university days at Ile-Ife where he was at various times a member of the
Students’ Representative Council (Parliament), 1975/76, and Chairman of
its Special Honours Committee. For a period in 1976, he was elected
Chairman (Speaker) of the Students Representative Council. Outside the
students’ legislative house, Dr. Mimiko served on the University of Ife
Students ’ Union Electoral Commission, 1976/77; and was the Public
Relations Officer of the International Students’ Association of the
University between 1977 and 1978.
As a full-fledged politician, Dr. Mimiko served as the Publicity Secretary
of the Ondo Local Government chapter of the Chief Obafemi Awolowo-led
Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN) in 1983. During the Third Republic , he was
elected twice as ex-officio member of the Social Democratic Party (SDP)
Executive Council in Ondo Local Government Area. He also served as a
member of the Party’s Disciplinary Committee.
In recognition of his extensive involvement in grassroots mobilization
during the Third Republic , Dr. Mimiko was appointed Commissioner for
Health and Social Services in January 1992. By the time he was leaving
office in late 1993 as a result of the military coup d’etat that
terminated that Republic, Dr. Mimiko had left his mark as a performer. In
that short period, he facilitated the setting up of the Pharmacy Shop
System under which 24-hour pharmacy services were being provided in the
main hospitals around the State. He also conceived and brought into
reality the idea of what came to be known as Accident and Emergency
Centres in some of the State Hospitals in the then Ondo State (now Ondo
and Ekiti States). These were centres furnished with state-of-the-art
equipments to attend to accident and other emergency cases confronting
government hospitals everywhere in the country.
Again, in recognition of his extensive contribution to the victory of the
Alliance for Democracy (AD) in the 1999 governorship election in Ondo
State , Dr. Mimiko was appointed the Honourable Commissioner for Health in
the State, making the second time he would hold the office. Before he
resigned his position in the State Executive Council on November 7, 2002 ,
Dr. Mimiko had greatly enhanced the quality of health care delivery in the
State. He brought real innovations into the health sector. His Ministry
completed and equipped the Millennium Eye Centre, Akure, which still ranks
among the best in Nigeria , within the first 100 days of the civilian
administration. The Festivals of Surgery, under which auspices hundreds of
free surgical operations were carried out to restore the sight of blind
and partially blind patients and to relief those with hernia, were widely
received across the State, and copied in many others. Needless to state
that these brought succour and joy to the hearts of thousands of indigenes of Ondo State.
Also though the instrumentally of his Health Rangers Scheme, Dr. Mimiko
facilitated the delivery of health services to the innermost parts of
Ondo State, providing thousands of rural dwellers with their real first
contact with government.
The undeniable truth, attested to by citizens of Ondo State , is that the
State Ministry of Health under Dr. Mimiko definitely added value to the
Alliance for Democracy (AD) government in the State. In his characteristic
modesty, Dr. Mimiko is always quick to give the glory to the Almighty God.
On November 7, 2002 , Dr. Mimiko resigned his appointment as State
Commissioner for Health, “for strictly personal reasons”. In the
conviction that he would be in a better position to facilitate more
quality governance in Ondo State, and in response to calls across the
State that he should join the gubernatorial race, Dr. Mimiko formally
announced his intention to contest the governorship election on the
platform of the AD on Tuesday, November 19, 2002, at a crowded Press
Conference in Akure, the Ondo State capital. He gave vent to his
conviction that for Ondo State , there certainly were BRIGHTER DAYS AHEAD,
a catchphrase which coined from the name of his Group, BRIGTHER DAYS
Dr Mimiko had to leave the AD when it became obvious that the basis for
democratic engagement was no longer in the Party. He the adopted the
Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) as a preferred platform for the continuing
struggle for enthroning good governance in Ondo State. After the victory
of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the April 2003 polls, to which he
massively contributed, Dr Mimiko was appointed as the Secretary to the
State Government. He held this position until July 2005, when he was
appointed by President Olusegun Obasanjo as a Minister of the Federal
Republic in charge of the Housing and Urban Development Ministry. In the
latter position, Dr. Mimiko coordinated the Obasanjo Administration’s
Reform Programme in the Housing and Urban Development sector, bringing
about a major shift in policy from direct construction of houses to
increased involvement of the private sector; redevelopment of government
landed properties through private sector real estate developers to increase housing stock; and a focus on
the mortgage sector in the on-going re-organization of Nigeria’s
financial system. The Ministry under Dr Mimiko was able to for the first
time in the history of the nation produced the first ever National
Building Code. He also ensured the gradual withdrawal of government from
direct provision of residential housing to public servants through the
monetization policy; the re-organization and re-capitalization of the
Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria for more robust operation; and the
enhancement of the operations of the National Housing Fund (NHF). The
re-positioning of the Federal Housing Authority (FHA); the creation of an
enabling environment for sustainable mass production of houses through
the National Housing Data Bank, and a framework for housing delivery and
urban management through co-operatives, and the Social Housing Programme
were also accomplished under Dr Mimiko’s
In December 2006, he resigned his office as Minister, effective December
8, 2006 . He thereafter took up membership of the LABOUR PARTY and
formally announced his decision to run for the office of Governor, Ondo
State , at a well-attended rally in Akure on December 14, 2006 . He later
emerged as the Party’s gubernatorial candidate for the State.
When sworn-in as Governor, Dr Mimiko intends to be guided by his deeply
thought out Mission Statement, i.e., “to mobilize the people of Ondo State
to harness all our God-given resources, create and use wealth for the ends
of individual happiness, collective fulfilment and peaceful cohabitation
in an environment of transparent and honest leadership”. His 12-point
Agenda calendarized programmes tagged: A CARING HEART is focused on Health
Care and Housing Development; Education, Employment and Empowerment;
Agriculture and Integrated Rural Development; Road and Infrastructural
Development; and Trade, Tourism and Industrialization.
Speaking on the translation of his vision into reality, Dr Mimiko had this
to say, “I must say that as a public officer, I do not need to convince
the people of Ondo state about my capacity to deliver on promises. I also
consider my life an open book that is available to be examined by all. I
say this because I am aware that critical to success in governance is
leadership. I have seen enough of governments to know that whosoever is
short on integrity and character should just not be entrusted with the
position of leadership”. It is these twin qualities, integrity and
character, more than anything else, that Dr Mimiko is bringing into
Again in Dr Mimiko’s words, “I certainly have had enough experience in
government. I can therefore claim that I am not going to be a novice in
government. Rather, I already have a clear idea of where this State should
be headed. I know what possibilities we have, what pits, both structural
and human, we must avoid, and what ploughs we must sharpen to excel. Our
strategy is to position our government, your government, as a catalyst of
development. The critical ingredients that would make it possible for our
people to be gainfully engaged shall be put in place. We do not subscribe
to a trickle-down economic policy of just letting only the remnants to go
down to the masses. Rather we shall adopt a bottom-up approach to
development with a view to engendering community ownership and
Confident of his report card, Dr Mimiko once asserted, “Those who know me
know that my personality is already made up. I am therefore not likely to
misbehave in office. Good enough, it has pleased God to commit something
into my hands in the past. I therefore would wish that I be assessed based
on how well or how badly I performed in those official capacities that it
has pleased God to allow me to serve. It is on this platform that I stand
to offer you a promise of great performance that would make Ondo State
second to none in Nigeria”.
Dr. Olusegun Mimiko has authored many research papers and published
articles focussing on issues as wide-ranging as Medicine, International
Relations and national socio-political developmental strategies. A
December 1981 edition of the New Nigerian carried his “Troops Withdrawal:
Reagan’s Destabilisation Ploy”. He wrote on “Wind of Change in Eastern
Europe: Lessons for Africa and the Third World”, in the Daily Sketch of
April 10, 1990 , where he predicted the subsequent break-up of the then
At his leisure, Dr. Mimiko engages in writing and reading. Way back in
1971, the young Olusegun had won the John F. Kennedy Essay (School Level)
award, underscoring his creative capabilities.
Dr. Olusegun Mimiko, (appointed a Justice of Peace in 1993), is a lover of
exquisite art works. He has won several awards in recognition of his
excellent performance. Significantly, less than six months after he left
office as Health Commissioner in 1993, the Ondo State chapter of the
Nigerian Medical Association (NMA), his professional colleagues, conferred
on Dr. Mimiko an Award of Meritorious Service. Some of the other awards he
received at different times in the last five years include:
1) Gboluji (Anglican) Grammar School Excellent Career and Outstanding
Contribution to National Development Award (Sept. 2002).
2) National Council of Yoruba Students Distinguished Odu’A Students
Great Ambassador Award (Oct, 2001).
3) Nigerian Institute of Public Relations ( Ondo State Chapter)
Distinguished Diamond Award, (1999/2000).
4) Nigerian Union of Journalists (Ondo State Chapter) NUJ Chairman’s
Award, (Dec. 2001).
Dr. Mimiko is a patron of many organisations, amongst which are the
Obafemi Awolowo University Medical Students Association, and the Adeyemi
College of Education, Ondo Students’ Union.
A widely-travelled man, Dr. Mimiko speaks Yoruba, English, and some
smattering of French through the efforts of his wife Olukemi, a French
Language graduate of Obafemi Awolowo University . Together, God has
blessed their marriage with four children.