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Kidnaping is the consequent of PDP thievery in Akwa Ibom


Commissioner Emmanuel Enoidem, what prevents you from praying to our Lord God to remove kidnaping in the state? Are you not one of His creatures? It won't surprise me if by now Akpabio, installed regime by OBJ, have not given money to pastors to pray to get rid of kidnaping in the state. By the way, many pastors in Akwa Ibom are pagans.PDP elites in Akwa Ibom have our money to spend on silly parties, overseas trips to hide the money, women who're not their wives & some of them even supplied arms to unemployed youths to kill, maim & terorize their opponents. But, no funds for boarding in our secondary schools of the free education.The same ruling PDP elites who bought arms for some youths are now complaining of kidnaping they created, Akpabio encourages kidnaping by ransoming kidnapers.

Gov Akpabio said N34m was insufficient for three day of his 2007 campaign. Mr. Akpabio, how much did you spend on the campaign & where did you get the money? How long were you in law practice prior to robber Victor Atta enrolling you in his university of thievery? The Akwa Ibom PDP ruling elites have perfected the art of stealing & wasting our monies without fear of Lord God.The Akwa Ibom people have to understand that Gov Akpabio graduated with first class honor from Robber Victor Atta university of thievery. Therefore, we demand the disclosure of how much money was spent, siphoned & kickbacks gotten on taxi scheme, the ever uncompleted:Ibom airport, IPP,Science park & others.

Every Akwa Ibom adult has need for money, desire to send their children to outstanding schools ,own good houses & cars, afford better healthcare. The PDP ruling elites have diverted funds meant for developing &  providing basic necessities as good drinkable water, uninterrupted electricity, durable roadways, reliable transportation system & dependable telecommunication networks. Akwa Ibom ado ok when Akpabio & gang are in overdrive thievery. The Akpabio clan is running things now in Akwa Ibom because of some unpatriotic Ibibio persons.

Abuja, which Akwa Ibom oil money used in creating & still being funded to run it, be adopted as a standard to develope the state. The roads, Akpabio is bragging about are of low quality which cannot withstand three heavy raining seasons. Structures built by AKSG, since its inception are substandards including the ones by current regime. Those who stole our monies are cold murderers, because many Akwa Ibomites died & are dying due to lack of medicine & electricity to perform surgery in hospitals, polluted drinking water, insecurity of lives & properties. Their blood crying to Lord Almighty, but those eager to get rich will not go unpunished - Proverbs 28:20. This is why the installed Gov Akpabio's regime says - " Akwa Ibom ado ok !"

Okon Eyo Akpaitim


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