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Date Published: 06/04/09

Dear Sir,

Dr. Godwin Daboh's uncharitable statement


Reading the interview that Godwin Daboh granted Daily Sun newspapers last week, I was disturbed. He had mentioned that if President Yar’Adua should for any reason abruptly gets out of the office before his tenure ends; the North would not allow Vice President Goodluck Jonathan to take over the seat, constitution or no constitution. Is this a threat?

If this statement goes unchallenged, especially from the presidency and the North, and even the government and people of the south-south, one then wonders what nation we are in. It also shows that Nigeria does not have leadership for now. It goes further to strengthen the believe that the Obasanjo administration actually forced unwilling President Yar’Adua and ‘paperweight’ Vice-President Jonathan, on us, with the hope that with the duo, he can still run the nation, indirectly. It also goes to show the monumental rigging that went on during the last general elections. Obasanjo, it should be known has usurped the Yoruba’s opening  to the point that there may not be Yoruba as President of Nigeria until about 40 years’ time; other zones are expected to produce President in turns.

This country belongs to all and for Godwin Daboh to make such pregnant and injurious statement to the nation’s Constitution is condemnable. There is no country in the world that would not allow a Vice-President to function peradventure the President becomes indisposed.

We await reactions and comments from the appropriate quarters.

Chief Kenneth Holmes,

234 Okigwe Road,


Imo State.

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