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Date Published: 06/19/09

Dear Mr President,

Letter to Mr. President

I'm sure you are tired of people saying you are not performing as a president. Mr. President, for your own name in the annals of Nigerian history, pull out the check book and contact these companies listed below immediately. If you call these companies, Nigeria's power problem will be a thing of the past. These are companies with decades of experience in everything Nigeria needs to move the country forward. If you start the process of solving Nigeria's power problem by contacting these companies, Nigerians will forever remain grateful.

1. Bechtel USA


3. ABB

Mr. President, call these companies, sit down and ask them to:


1. Give you a satellite image of Nigeria: Sit down around a table, draw a line going from North to South, Draw another line going from East to west. Ask them to give you a quote on build freeways a six lane that goes along these lines. Draw a circle half way from the center of the previous line. Ask them to give you a quote on how much it will cost to build another freeway and railroad along this circle you just made.

2. Ask them to give you a quote on how much it will cost to build a 21st century power generation and distribution grid.

3. Ask for a 5 year commitment for them to run the power station and train Nigerians on the job.

Mr. President, you will not solve Nigeria's infrastructure problem by going anywhere else. Please, this is the 21st Century, how can you award a contract to a company where Nigerians cannot get online and see the company previous projects. How can you give Nigeria's money away without a serious due diligence to see if the company has the wherewithal to handle a project of that magnitude. You have a duty to lead Nigeria out of darkness, please Sir, do something. I am hopeful these 3 companies will give Nigeria a chance and come and help us. Stop your Ministers from looting Nigeria's treasury by bringing all these companies from Asia and Eastern Europe to loot our treasury. Remember few billions was given to Chinese Engineering & Construction Company to build railroad. Sir I have been searching the web to find this company, to see the projects they've done before, to see a blue print of what they are going to build for Nigeria. I have not seen anything.

Fighting online bloggers and press is not going to solve any problem. These journalists are doing what journalists do: report on things that affect Nigerians. Every single one of these online reporters have cried for Nigeria just like I have. To watch a country so richly blessed be plundered by a bunch of kleptomaniacs makes us all cry. To see the police shoot innocent Nigerians and call them armed robbers makes us all cry. Mr. President Nigeria belongs to all of us. Large percentage of us want to come home but how can we do that when you, the President, cannot guarantee the safety of property or life. Nobody hates you as a human being. We hate that you are in that office and seem not to know what to do.

Stop the killing in Niger Delta, enough is enough. Get these multi nationals companies devastating the region to become partners, build schools, bridges etc in the region where they tapping oil and reaping 100% returns. Remove the name militants and talk these Nigerians. An Army should never point a weapon at its own citizens.

Out of these companies, choose one for power and one for the road construction. Sir, they are afraid that a new government will come in and not pay them. That's one of the reasons why reputable American companies doesn't want to do business with Nigeria. So open  escrow account and write a check for the whole project. These companies do
not abandon projects. They do not give kickbacks. They will get Nigeria back on track. Do something Mr. President, Do something. Obama chose to go to Ghana because we have become irrelevant. Do Something. Show the world you know what to do.

These kids who are being called militants, kidnappers, 419ers will have the ability to open a bakery and know that power will not go out. My mother, Mr. President will be able to sell cold water knowing that power will not go out. A country without middle class cannot survive.

Sorry, I had to break it down to you like this. We love our country. To solve our problem doesn't take a rocket scientist. And as you can see, no mention of tribe or ethnicity here because we are all the same, Nigerians. I am tired of my fellow country men and women saying"na God/Allah dey doam". No, we have to do this. God has done his part
by given us the resources. It is up to us to use the resources to better our people.

Create Your Legacy. Like Obama said "You will be remembered by what you built, not what you destroyed."

Thank You Mr. President.

P. O. Agbo
Los Angeles.

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