Date Published: 07/11/09
Obama unveils plan for Africa
President Barrack Obama unveiled an unprecedented $63 billion for health care in Africa. He also said that America would assist to stop conflicts on the continent. He compared the trumpeting that ushered him to the podium to the brilliance of Louise Armstrong the American Jazz legend. He said it was his first visit to sub-Saharan Africa as president. A culmination of a journey, that took him to Russia and Italy. He said he came to talk on the theme of mutual respect between Africa and the west. He tapped into the harsh reality of life in Africa to buttress theme of the message, how his own late father, once a village young goat herd. He spoke of cynicism and fears amongst Africans, a dwindling per capital income and raised concerns about corrupt use of children to prosecute wars.
He said that Ghana has done well in peaceful transfer of powers. He said the report of the pains and other negative issues about Africa often lead people to overlook the progress being made by Ghana. He said development strongly hinges on good governance. He said that the truth should not be about handouts but encouragement for “capacity building”. He said there must first be strong and reliable democratic institution. He said there must not just be elections, but it must be about what happens during elections.
He condemned official corruption of the process that there must be strong parliament, independent press, honest police and independent judiciary. He said governance must be about consent and not coersion. He commended the involvement of the strong determination of civil society to good governance. He said that Africans who live in America are doing well. He said that Ghana must not just revel in oil wealth that there must be strengthening of the Korean and Singaporean model of sect oral development strengthen trained workforce. He wants a self-sufficient Ghana in food production and export.
He called for financial participation and opportunities for poor and rich people everywhere, the rural and urban centers.
He said the crises in Africa must be turned into opportunities “Africa’s vast natural gifts can generate power” he spoke specifically of the wind and the sun of the Sahara that could be tapped. President Obama focused strongly on the need for health care especially that people must live productively with HIV/AIDS and prevent the spread of the disease. He commended Nigeria’s inshative on the use of inter-faith to deliver health care. Obama condemned religious intolerance. He said Africa’s diversity must be a source of strength. He said that it is not justified to target people in the present time because of difference of opinion and believes.
He commended the African Union for peace-keeping and conflict resolution. He said that the U.S African command is not for sub grating Africa but to clearly show the commitment of America to guarantee safety and peace everywhere. “African’s future is up to Africans” he said African can live their dreams in Lagos, Kinshash etc. He told youths of Africa to always contribute by holding leaders accountable, that they must also be economic empowers.
In rounding up his charge to Ghanaians, he said “Ghana freedom is your inheritance, and said that the match must continue. He rapped it up with his common phase “Yes we can” he was done at about 1.14GMT which was also Ghanaian local time. He left the podium like the African Kakaki still blared loud.