Date Published: 07/20/09
Yar’Adua 2nd Term Campaigners Enemies of Nigeria
Permit me to air my views on the speculated second term of four years for incumbent President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua of Nigeria.
I would like to say right away that those who are currently campaigning for a second term of office for Umaru Musa Yar’Adua are enemies of Nigeria.
It has been two years now since Yar’Adua was sworn in as President after a chaotic and fraudulent election in April 2007. The courts have gone on to affirm that election even as most Nigerians do not believe that there was an election. But the Nigerian Judiciary – no matter how corrupt and compromised – and we have learnt to accept it.
Let us put aside the legitimacy baggage that Yar’Adua continues to carry despite the courts decisions. Let us look at his record so far. Power supply has collapsed. Niger Delta has become a full blown war. Oil export has come down to one million barrels a day from a high of three million. Our roads are impassable despite claims to the contrary by the loquacious Works Minister. Prices of basic food have gone up. Our universities have been shut down as a result of a strike that should have been prevented.
Nigeria is sliding. She is 15 th on the world’s index of failed states. Nothing seems to be working. Yar’Adua seems totally clueless. He is clearly not up to the task. This is why I believe that those who want him around for another six years are enemies of Nigeria. He should go back to Katsina in 2011 and look after his failing health. It is not possible for a sick man to lead and heal a sick nation.
This country deserves more. It is an insult on all of us to say that Yar’Adua is the best we can have.
By: Ahmed Danlami
Asokoro, Abuja