Date Published: 09/16/09
VMobile shares case: Aondoakaa is right and wrong
It is unfortunate what is going on about clearing or not clearing Attah, Ibori and Tinubu in connection with the sale of their various State’s shares in the then V-mobile (GSM) Company.
The Metropolitan Police have lots of legal suits against Ibori, (separately) other than the one involving the African Development Fund Incorporated (ADFI) that handled the sale of shares belonging to Delta, Akwa Ibom and Lagos States.
Aondoakaa was WRONG to have made statement that tended to portray that Ibori has been cleared of all charges instituted against him here in Nigeria by the EFCC. .
On the other hand, Aondoakaa could be said to be RIGHT when he said that the governors were cleared by the EFCC in respect of V-mobile shares’ sale, but he said so ambiguously.
If EFCC’s letter dated 21 st January 2009, which was signed by Umar M. Sanda on behalf of the Executive Chairman and addressed to Adepetun Caxton meant that the three ex-governors were cleared; it is a position yet to be established. Adepetun Caxton wrote to EFCC and got replied as Solicitors to Akwa Ibom Investmnent and Industrial Promotion Council and African Development Fund Incorporated. One did not see where Delta or/and Lagos States were mentioned in that letter?
One other interesting aspect was clearance given by Justice M. Olokoba of the High Court of Lagos State that handled the case between Federal Republic of Nigeria as Complainant with Clement Isiok and African Development Fund Incorporated as Accused Persons; the Charge No. ID/26c/2008 had its clearance signed by the Justice on 21 st January 2009 wherein it was stated that the Complainant confirmed withdrawal of the case because it found out that “the money involved was actually genuine funds paid to the 2 nd defendant by the Akwa Ibom Government”.
All through these documents, it was Akwa Ibom only that was mentioned as having been cleared; therefore, it is expedient that we see the ones that cleared Delta and Lagos States. Or was Aondoakaa shielding under the above mentioned documents to clear all the governors?
Obi Nede-Odu, 405 Ikorodu Road, Lagos