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Date Published: 09/18/09

My Dear Sister Dora Akunyili,


I read the interview which you granted to Pointblank Online news and to be honest If found it very interesting. I sympathise with you on the difficulties you encountered while serving as NAFDAC director and I wish to commend you on the great progress recorded during your time.

I was one of those you felt very bad when you were appointed minister of information because it is nothing but oti mkpu in Igbo and it is a dirty job meant for lay abouts. I praise your courage that you took it to be divine, however I do not take it at such. My reason is that God I think would prefer to have the right person who will improve our health or educational system for the benefit of poor people like me than somebody who will white wash a filthy house.

I am happy that you mentioned that WAI succeeded and was not sustained and it will be crucial to find out why it was not sustained. For your information WAI was successful because Buhari and his team were committed and showed example.

On the issue of RE-BRANDING which you initiated, I think you have noticed so much push back from the Nigerian people and in my opinion, the possible reason could be that Nigerians do not believe you and the current government because many could not vote in the last general election and they could not understand why. A way forward will be to explain to the people why they were not allowed to vote. I am from Amichi in Anambra state and I could not vote during the presidential election while I was duly registered for that election. INEC did not bring materials to Nnewi South LGA hence voting was not carried out but votes were later announced. How can people from this area believe you? Do you expect somebody from this area to go outside the country and tell lie that all was well with that election. I decided to use this simple case to demonstrate why your Re-branding project will deliver what we call ‘’NEGATIVE WORK DONE’’ in elementary Physics.

We should stop deceiving ourselves, for Re-barding to succeed the president MUST show example FULL STOP.


Paulinus Okonkwo


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