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Date Published: 09/28/09





Sept. 27th 2009;  It is that time of the year again when the NDLF with other Nigerians converge at the Nigerian Consulate to protest the state of our country in New York. In previous years we succeeded in confronting Nigerian governors who abandoned suffering Nigerians back home to take part in Independence day parade in New York. Being profligates, about five state governors once came from Nigeria to take the "salute". But the salute they got they never imagined it before they left their abode. 

On October 1st 2009, the country would be 49th. It has continuously had the misfortune of being governed by greedy, heartless and incompetent public administrators. For almost five decades, we have watched the country drift and become a caricature of her greatness. Our pride had become our nemesis! The dreams and vision of of our founding fathers have turned into a mirage and a utopia.

Our blessed country whose former leader once said that expending financial resources was our challenge and we actually paid the salaries of workers of a foreign country! We have earned billions of dollars over the almost five decades but the people have become impoverished by the second. The military debased us while the civilians are striving aggressively to take our future and that of our children away from us. 

We now have a country that abnormalities have become the norm and the unimaginable a way of life. Successive administration in Nigeria have turned out to be worse that its predecessor. The current President-Umaru Yar' Adua apparently is clueless about what he should be doing. A sick man who has spent most time looking after his health and ignoring the health of the country. There is a leadership vacuum in Nigeria. No one in charge, as the looters of our collective wealth embark on a looting spree. Those whose preoccupation is to ruin the country are calling the shots while we have become on lookers.

The quality of life in Nigeria is inexplicable, our universities have been shut down for over three months, 95% unemployment rate prevails and expectedly there is insecurity of life and property. The Attorney General of the federation has changed his portfolio to the AG of the felons and looters, the financial system is moribund, the infrastructure is in a state of collapse; those who have destroyed the country jet out with the slightest fever with over $200 billion dollars lost on overseas medical expenses. Nigeria that became a home for citizens of a nearby country not too long ago now have her citizens as economic refugees in countries that would confound everyone. Professionals that ought to contribute to the growth and development of the country have been forced out, sometimes taking up menial jobs in less developed nations.


The question that we should all ask ourselves as citizens of Nigeria is "Where is our outrage?" Are we going to fold our arms and continue to acquiescence to the destruction of our country by the rogues in power? Are we going to give up without even trying to challenge the status quo in whatever small way we can individually and collectively?

To the Nigerians in the Diaspora, the comfort we enjoy is the result of the sacrifice of citizens of those countries and to Nigerians at home, when we fought against the military, we did not embark on that struggle for a democracy that "ruining elites" would  be in power to rob us blind. Let us remember that  things are made impossible by inaction. Let us organize ourselves internationally and walk our way back home to take our country back.

To this end we are calling on you to join us at the "Nigeria Enough is Enough" protest march which would take place during the Independence day parade on Oct. 3rd 2009 on 2nd Avenue & 45th Street, NY, NY at 9am. Let us come out in large numbers and express our outrage and collectively say NIGERIA ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!


Bukola Oreofe                            

Executive Director


Dr. Willie Nwiido

Director, International Relations

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