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Date Published: 11/27/09

Dear Editor,

Shameful criteria most Nigerians measure success


In Nigeria when you move in big jeeps and other exotic cars; buy or provide opportunity of some of such also for some of your siblings and friends; have unlimited human and devilish spiritual guards; build heaven-bound houses; siphon funds for luxuries in other peoples’ country; have funds to throw around to area boys that are normally hired to kill whoever confronts “emperor Bokassa” and ilk; pretend that you are praising God in every outing you are found in: Then you are a success.

How do you go about this? You just arrange your way to the political position of note wherein you control the masses’ funds on trust, use such as a private estate. This is easily achievable by the time you have found your way to be the chief executive of any of the following: Federal government; State government; and infinitesimally, including Local Government. Most people would rally round you to see what they can get off the loot, forgetting that you are already caused by God because of how you came about the wealth you are ‘enjoying’. I can say categorically that almost all the persons in any of the above mentioned position in Nigeria today is as guilty and a rogue. Senator Adeyemi at least insinuated that almost all the politicians in Nigeria are rogues and that those who are swimming in corruption should be given death penalty.

One then ask to know why: The fact that you have done all those evil; many souls are made to die because of deprivation caused by your actions and inactions and therefore divinely, you should not enjoy that affluence for a long time bearing in mind that wages of sin is death. Let all corrupt persons who are with ill-gotten wealth be sentenced to such a judgment; it is worth it.

I pray that all should read this piece and if any feels it is referring to him or her and still has any atom of reverence for God, the best thing to do is to repent from those evil ways. God allowed whoever in such a position just for the good of the masses, but the reverse is the case.

Mr. Kingsley Ikpe Udoh, Goldie Street, Calabar

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