Date Published: 12/30/09
2010: Corruption, the final battle
The print and the electronic media have been choking on corruption-related news; you would be excused to think there was nothing else our journalist found worthy to talk about.
The crack down on fraud, dishonesty, bribery, embezzlement, theft and what ever forms that corruption takes; the spare no-one approach that the EFCC chairman has embraced, tackling big individuals and those who felt were untouchable, suggest that the game is up for those who indulge in corrupt practices.
In 2010, apart from the vibrant EFCC that has set the pace for other agencies in fighting corruption, the legislators at the national assembly need to pass the Free of Information Bill (FOI), and the special courts being advocated by the able chairman of the anti-graft agency Farida Waziri as the only tool towards achieving her all out war on corruption.
Nevertheless the need to ensure as a country that those accused of corruption are given fair hearing, and that they enjoy every benefit of the appeal mechanisms, lest we, in the fit of emotional display, throw innocent people in jail.
Having said that, it is nice to know that corrupt public office holders are already going to jail and more suspects are brought forth. The guns against corruptions are out: BLAZE! BLAZE!!BLAZE!!! We must kill these canker worm in 2010. Enough is enough!
Sheyi Olusheyi,