Date Published: 01/06/10
How Lagos is being ripped off
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BRF ought to know that governance is not about prestige and showmanship; rather it is about a systematic transformation of a polity and her people for the better. But let us go to Surulere where BRF claims he comes from, the new Tejuosho market built with tax payers money, is now so exorbitant that most of the stores in the market are empty and not occupied, the former owners have been slyly eased out by vagabonds in power. From South Africa, to Beirut and several other developing countries, development is carried without depraving people of what rightly belongs to them, so, why is Lagos an exception? I have it on good authority that BRF and his cronies are the actual owners of many of the stores in the market. And, the story of the Oshodi market is not different at all. So BRF and his surrogates are using the development as a ploy to dispossess the downtrodden of their legitimate sources of livelihood. Is this what development and governance all about? How will these same people they have cheated and dealt ruthlessly with vote for them in the next election?
BRF, without due process and without authorization from the LSHA purchased helicopters for what he called proper security of Lagos. The question is, are police properly equipped to meet the challenges of security on the ground, before thinking of flying in the air? Why waste public funds on conspicuous consumption, when there are enormous problems of poverty, unemployment and underdevelopment in Lagos? If you go to Ajegunle today, many of the houses are daily turned to brothels as young girls have taken to prostitution as a result of poverty and lack of vision by the LASG. Why would government neglect, snub and discard those that voted massively for them during elections? Those that the gods want to kill they make mad!
BRF has demonstrated beyond all reasonable doubt that he is a religious bigot. He is intolerant of other religious groups in the state. It is for this reason that he wanted to introduce religious taxes, so that, churches that are so numerous in the state would be heavily taxed out of existence, not only this, a good number of churches in and around Lagos state have been atrociously demolished under the guise of rebuilding Lagos. A case in hand was when he wanted to pull down the headquarters of MFM at Onike, Yaba, until reason was allowed to prevail, and this was where BRF went during elections for prayers and to solicit for support. The question is how many mosques in Lagos have been so affected? Also, a good number of churches have been blacklisted as making noise and disturbing public peace, again, how many mosques have been affected? None, but if you go to Fashoro in Surulere where BRF says he comes from(albeit we know he is an Ekiti man) there are more than 5 mosques on that street alone, where a lot of residential houses are located, disturbing people day and night. The question is, is it only Muslims that voted for BRF?
Governance is not the same thing as media hype. BRF has succeeded in hoodwinking the public, manipulating Lagos by creating a false sense of high performance in office. Only recently, THE SUN, GUARDIAN and VANGUARD nominated BRF as their man of the year. But this is after they have been heavily bribed by BRF who used his right hand man Hakeem Bello to go round these media houses with staggering amount of public funds. In the case of Vanguard, the publisher, the highly respected, Sam Amuka(Sad Sam) was miffed, traumatized, embarrassed and disappointed as he was not consulted, he was not in the know at all, Vanguard newspaper before the BRF money came had planned to nominate the chairperson of the Board of Inland Revenue as the paper’s person of the year, hence, Sad Sam became a very sad man and Gbenga Adefaye almost lost his job because of this unfortunate incident. In the case of Guardian newspaper, the media organization was penetrated through Reuben Abati, one of the few senior journalists that can do anything to get money at all cost but who pretends to be honest and progressive, Abati was the Judas that sold Guardian’s birthright for a mess of porridge. Although he was forced to beat a hasty retreat and sell a quick dummy by doing a report to avoid the backlash of the charade. Are these not the quicksands on which public opinions are predicated?
Instead of BRF to concentrate on how to govern the people of Lagos, he keeps placing adverts on pages of newspaper and on radio etc and what have you, but can’t all these public funds be deployed to better use by generally improving the lots of the masses in a systemic manner. Foe instance, how many farm settlements have BRF built since he came on board?
He (BRF) keeps awarding contracts to one man called Tunji Olowolafe and always paid 70 % up front, is this part of the due process and good governance that won the BRF the man of the year?
The so-called beautification of the state has since ceased, many of the green areas are now grey areas, nobody is attending to them because BRF is already thinking about second term, hence, BRF has stockpiled public funds this purpose, is this part of the 10 point agenda of his administration?
What is BRF travelling to do outside the country all the time, spending several weeks in different foreign countries in the process? To stockpile funds in off-shore bank accounts and to buy properties using cronies like Olowolafe.
Why are BRF PA’s always buying very expensive cars, houses in Lekki, Ikoyi and Victoria Island as well as travelling first class using tax payers money? The prime ministers of Australia and New Zealand don’t travel first class. And the PA’s are also always outside the country, the question is, what are they doing in foreign countries?
Why are BRF’s aides who were mostly jobless or fresh graduates now multi-millionaires and billionaires? Are they contractors?
Is this BRF government clean at all?
Why are some ministries not funded at all by BRF?
Why has BRF continue to sideline the LSHA in all matters that concern governance in the state?
Since BRF came on board what are the landmark projects that he has carried out in Badagry, Epe and Ikorodu? Are these places not part of Lagos?
Why is BRF and those in his government pretending that they are for the public good whereas their philosophy is grab, grab and grab?
Some people who very gullible and had swallowed hook, line and sinker the BRF bait would be thinking that what is this guy writing about, maybe, one of those pull him down syndrome, but the very important thing to note is the fact that there can never be smoke with fire. There are overwhelming evidences to show very evidently that BRF has derailed, he has lost focus on his mandate of genuinely developing Lagos State. He has been beaten by the bug of making money fast at all cost instead of following the path of honour, he has chosen rather to follow the bandwagon of people like Olowolafe, a person I am very sure would sooner than later be jailed by EFCC.
His rapaciousness will be his albatross and he will put BRF in trouble because they are both greedy co-travelers. We are all too aware of the fate that has befallen Bode George, who is now cooling his heels in the dungeon. In life, no condition is permanent, and in whatever we do, we must learn to be fair, justice, honest, humble and sympathetic. For history and posterity will judge us for whatever we do or fail to do. BRF should look back to where he came from and where God has helped him to today and be thankful instead of being greedy. He should promptly heed the timely advice and not behave like the proverbial dog that no longer hears the hunters call. BRF should govern Lagos properly instead of building personality cult around himself and building a new class of avarice super rich individuals while mass poverty is further deepened in Lagos. It is not yet uhuru, certainly this is not the Lagos of our dream
by Hakeem Akintunde
Part 3 will come soon with a lot of documentary evidence will bemuse Lagosians.