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Date Published: 01/14/10

The fraud called Holler Africa opinion poll in Anambra State


If anybody thinks that anything good will ever come from PDP, a party that has been in the corridors of power for almost 11years now, I think that person needs to consult a psychiatric doctor. This is a party that came to power through questionable circumstances in 1999 which Nigerians overlooked because we did not want to return to the years of the locusts.

This is a party that promised to wipe away the tears of the lost years, only for them to turn around to inflict pains and agonies to the people that gave them so much. Deficit in honour, content, integrity, honesty, character and culture this party can tell you that the earth is round in one moment and in the next minute they will tell you that the earth is flat. PDP cannot tell you where the number called one is facing. And no where has the fraud called PDP manifested its endless battered image more, than in the recent so called Holler Africa opinion poll where it gave its candidate a leading position in the race for Anambra State house. But nobody is deceived. The rigging machine called PDP knows nothing in Nigerian polities except how to rigs elections and they make no pretences about it. When other political parties are transversing the political landscape, strategizing, networking, engaging and wooing voters, PDP goes underground to plan, scheme and hatch out how to criminalize the political process. This is the reason why the party has failed to meet the ordinary demands of Nigerians after 10years in office. The nation is still saddled with bad and irresponsible leadership 10years after. The ruling party cannot give us light, they cannot give us fuel, they cannot repair our roads, they cannot create jobs, they cannot rebuild our universities, they cannot provide security, they cannot equip our hospitals, they tell lies at the drop of a hat and they told lies about President Yar’Adua health. PDP is a band of uncreative and unthinking liars.

In 2003 five PDP members stole our mandate in Anambra State and set the State ablaze and by the time the dusts returned we lost our State house, Ikenga Hotels, our radio station and other properties PDP and their cronies stole the State for 3years until it was shown the way out in 2006.


That singular incident changed our election time table to February 6 2010 in stead of 2011. One AIG, Rapheal Ige, in charge of zone 7 Umuahia died in the result of the power struggle among the electoral criminals. A lot of other unknown people perishes as a result of the struggle of the fraudsters in PDP to share the loot. Time will fail me if I begin to recollect what transpired between 2003 and 2006 in Anambra State. Today if anybody tells you that PDP has structures in Anambra that person is a liar from hell. Just like the party has lost deposit in the national politics, nobody wants them in Anambra State for anything.

Everybody knows that the biggest problem facing Nigeria is PDP and unless the party is completely destroyed in Nigeria there will be no respite. Its candidate in Anambra State, Professor Chukwuma Soludo continues to talk loud in Nigeria as if we do not know what happened during his tenure at CBN. Huge trillions of depositors fund has been lost and thousand of jobs lost also because Soludo did not understand the job of a banker, as CBN governor. Come to think of it, whatever Augean stable Lamido Sanusi is clearing in the Banking sector today was the rot left behind by Soludo and his disgraced corrupt CEOs.

It was not enough to ask the Banks to consolidate by pulling resources together to collapse into 25banks, it was not enough to ask them to go public to raise funds as many times as possible without putting structures in place or plans on what to do with the peoples’ money, it was not enough for anybody that is privileged to be called a first class professor of economic to pretend that all is well in the Banking industry he regulated for 4 years. Soludo failed woefully as CBN Governor if what Sanusi is doing today is anything to go by. The truth is that nobody is going to reward Soludo with the office of the Governor of Anambra after his disastrous outing at CBN and PDP and 10,000 Tony Anenihs cannot rig him to power in that State. Another truth is that Soludo cannot get immunity from Anambra people against the onslaught by EFCC. If failures are rewarded what do we give to successful ones?

Failures get nothing but successful candidates get rewards. Enough of this bravado, Soludo cannot be governor of Anambra State. Holler Africa opinion poll does not worth the paper on which it was written. It does not hold water, as it is watery, it is an exercise in futility, a non-event and a tale told by idiots full of sound and fury signifying nothing. It is a fraud simplicita. It is rigging ploy deployed by PDP.

PDP employed the same ploy in 2003 and 2007 Presidential elections using a certain Newspaper bases in Lagos to carry out a fraudulent opinion poll for a fee. It worked for PDP then, but it may not work today in Nigeria. PDP should try to be a little bit creative in stealing.

Joe Igbokwe


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