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Date Published: 01/13/10

Nigerian Pro-Democracy Network (NPDN) 
3053 Turnberry Lane

Ann Arbor, MI 48108 
Phone:  734-973-6844, 610-590-2324 Fax: 734-973-6844

E-Mail: NPDN2000@yahoo.com 

Mrs Hillary Clinton

Secretary of State

Department of States

Washington DC



Janet Napolitano

Secretary, Department of Homeland Security

Washington DC, USA 

Dear Madam Secretary,

Meeting Request: Nigeria’s Classification as a Country of Interest.


First, on behalf of Nigerians we want to express our strongest condemnation of the recent terrorist act by Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab and support his prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.

Most Nigerians are peaceful law abiding citizens in their respective communities regardless of religion or political affiliations. Nigerians have been subjected to various types of State encouraged or sponsored terrorism, perpetrated through political, religious and socio-economic instruments. Mr. Umar Abdul Mutallab, is a product of the harsh Sharia law practiced and encouraged by some Nigeria’s Northern States. Under Sharia, Non Muslims, Nigerians or not, are regarded as infidels and worthless. Immediately following its introduction in 2001, religious riots ensued which resulted in the slaughter of thousands of Christians and other non Muslims. Since then tens of thousands more have been killed and property worth billions of dollars destroyed. Unbelievably, the government has not investigated, prosecuted or held anyone accountable for these atrocities.  

Madam Secretary, most of the victims of these horrific events are underprivileged and have no voice in government. They are predominantly involved in commerce, or depend on relations resident outside Nigeria, particularly the United States, for their livelihood. The recent classification of Nigeria as a Country of Interest on terrorism, while well intended, may have missed the mark. It will disproportionately affect Nigeria’s underprivileged citizens who are victims of atrocious governance, by severely constraining their commerce and global family visits- the two main sources of their livelihood.

Furthermore, Nigeria may not have been so adversely classified if we had a President, a responsive legislator or a substantive US ambassador in Washington DC. To assist in fashioning an effective policy, and minimize unintended consequences, we will in the next 2 weeks, be finalizing and recommending for the no-fly list, a targeted list of Nigeria’s past and present officials, who have, due to their documented utterances, actions or lack of it, contributed significantly to the current leadership vacuum, created the environment conducive for breeding the likes of Umar Abdul Mutallab, caused the destruction of lives and property, dehumanized and impoverished Nigeria.

Madam Secretary, these are the individuals that must be held accountable, not Nigeria. Left as is, the current corrupt leadership will perform true to type. They will implement superficial ineffective processes that will be violated by the privileged, including the likes of Abdul Mutallab. We therefore request to meet with you following our submission of the list on January 26 th, 2010, to share our thoughts.

Thank you. 

Best Regards

Professor Edward Oparaoji, Pharm.D

Kienuwa Obaseki, PhD 

Nigerian Pro-Democracy Network (NPDN) 
3053 Turnberry Lane

Ann Arbor, MI 48108 
Phone:  734-973-6844, 610-590-2324 Fax: 734-973-6844

E-Mail: NPDN2000@yahoo.com

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