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Date Published: 02/02/10

The State of the Nation


From the experiences of the past two months concerning the prolonged absence Mr president on health ground,  it is obvious that, the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria has lost its relivance and status as the guiding law of the land, as those who are in government have resorted to advancing and promoting,their personal,rgional and ethnic interest other than adhering to the provisions of the constitution.There is no gainsaying the fact that the PDP,some governors and ministers who see themselves as a cabal has decided to disrespect,undermine and disdain the office of the vice president by ochestrating the refusal to empower the vice president act in the absence of the president.This has led to power vacuum in the country for over two months with attendant consequencies.

Tt is extreemly disheartning to see those who swore an oath to uphold the constitution of this nation break same. This indeed, deserves the resistance of every patriotic Nigerians as the issue is not about Goodluck Jonathan but it is about respecting our constitution and the need to reinstating the functions the office of the vice president.It is on this premise we want to comend all those who have taken variou steps in their capacities and indeed, those who took to the streets of various cities within and outside the country to ensure constitutional compliance on the issue

While we seek to comend the laudable efforts of Nigerians who have taken responsible actions in this issue, we say the resolution of the executive council of the federation is most unpatriotic.However, this does not come to us as a supprise but rather, exposes the weekness of  our constitution which empowered the president to be the judge in his own case.Indeed, nothing more was expected from the ministers who were appointed by the president. The ministers who are responsible to the president know that any decision to empower the Vice president is political sucide as the fate of their jobs would certainly be unknown.

Despite the delay, it is our advise that Mr.president take the path of honour by adhering to the provisions of the constitution. Mr. president should transmit the letter of his absence to the national asembly and empower the Vice president to act pending his return.It is noteworthy from the events of the past two months, that no trust exist between the president and his vice who eventually are from thesame PDP and also the PDP is not democratic and certainly not the kind of party Nigerians should trust.

Akinaka Richard

executive director grassroots initiative for peace and democracy for the group

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