Date Published: 02/26/10
Nigeria in Dilemma: What do the hawks want?
What is in the offing with the return of President Yar’Adua may be crisis. What Turai has just done is what she should have done long time ago. The President should have been brought back to Nigeria since so that Nigerians would continue to pray for his quick recovery. Bringing him back under the darkness would rather create more confusion.
Furthermore, I do not believe that it was the President that made the statement which was signed out by his Media Advisor, Mr. Adeniyi. It could be the wish of Her Excellency, Hadjia Turai Yar’Adua. President Yar’Adua may not have such strength to make such a longish statement as was put out. Even if our President may look a sorry sight to behold, it was necessary Nigerians see him as he is now; on television. This would elicit sympathy but probably again it could also elicit their hatred for his wife, Turai. The hatred would be real because most Nigerians would see it that she is just a wicked woman to have allowed the man to continue suffering. If she had thrown the President’s health situation open, many suggestions as to how to go about his wellbeing would have been made by all and sundry; after all he is just a mortal. Keeping him on a life-support-machine and him looking helpless could be said to be the wife’s idea; she wants to remain in power and even as was reported recently, planning to be the vice president to a possible President Goodluck Jonathan.
United States of American has warned through her Assistant Secretary, Bureau of African Affairs, Johnnie Carson, that Nigeria should not allow anything that would truncate the nascent democracy it now enjoys. USA considers that Nigeria needs a strong, healthy and effective leader that would ensure stability of the country. She warned and hopes that Yar’Adua’s return is not a ploy by his senior aides to truncate the democratic values that are looking up good in Nigeria.
Dr. Edet Iniodu, 40 Oak Hill Boulevard, Ontario, Canada