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Date Published: 03/04/10

Open Letter to Acting President Goodluck Jonathan: The Case of NITEL/MTEL


  Dear sir,

my name is Tolulope Sani and i am an undergraduate in one of the Universities up North. The main reason of writing this is that my father who is a Nitel/Mtel staff has been lying critacally ill for the past 6 months (he has been on dialysis).

When Professor Akunyili was appointed Minister of Information and Communication, our joy knew no bounds because we felt she was the messiah sent to address the problems my father and his colleagues were facing from Transcorp due to non  payment of salaries. That was not to be as Madam dora showed that Nitel/Mtel was the least of problems.

Please sir, i am using this medium to beg you in the name of God Almighty, bring us goodluck by compelling BPE to pay the outstanding salaries of Nitel/Mtel, so we can pay the outstanding hospital bills. even friends and well wishers seem to be getting tired and my mother who is a civil servant in one of the ministries has resorted to borrowing as her meagre salary cannot sustain us.

Right now, i'm taking care of my father as i've not been able to pay my schoo; fees due to the fact that even the five months we were told was going to be paid, nothing has come out of it.

The other day, a friend of mine who is an undergraduate at the university of Abuja told me she was going to introduce me to a senator 'who will take care of me' (i'm sure everyone knows what that means) By the grace of God, i will not sell myself because i know that there is a living God.

When the privatisation process took place recently, we were happy because we assumed that very soon all the outstanding monies would be paid, but it seems that is now a mirage as nobody seems to care about the plight of Nitel/Mtel-infact, nobody is saying anything!!!!

Your Excellency Sir, you're the chairman of the NCP, that is why i'm on my knees begging you in the name of God as a daughter who i know you would want to go back to school, please, in the name of God Almighty, compell the BPE to pay the outstanding salaries of Nitel/Mtel. With your kind intervention, you will save my father's life. Thank you and God bless Nigeria!!!

Tolulope Sani.

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