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Date Published: 03/10/10

Jonathan, not Yar'Adua needs our prayers


I feel that no one person is bigger than a nation. A nation is regarded healthy when its socio-economic condition is in order, enabling its occupants (the masses) to enjoy their lively activities and good standard of living.

Right now we have Goodluck Jonathan as head of Nigerian nation. Time of Umaru Yar’Adua seems to have expired. Therefore, it is Jonathan who needs our prayers more than for Yar’Adua. Just like any mortal, Yar’Adua is undergoing some ailment that does not allow him to carry on with the assignment of heading the nation. He needs a complete rest and away from this assignment.

One thing many may not know is that Jonathan is a loyalist to core. I can understand what he is spiritually undergoing right now. Remember how loyal he was to his former boss; former governor of Bayelsa DSP Alamesiegha. Remember also that Yar’Adua dropped Peter Odili who was the anointed running met by power that was but in his wisdom he chose Jonathan instead. But I have to warn that if Jonathan carries on with this emotional feeling, then he may not be able to govern properly.

Just as General T.Y. Danjuma told him; he must act fast in order to retain the goodwill he is now enjoying. He seems not to have much time left. He should start by ignoring Turai and Yar’Adua’s kitchen cabinet and take actions as the man in charge.

He should reshuffle just as he has started with the removal of the National Security Adviser who tried to frighten him off the January 15 laying of wreathe for the Unknown Soldier. He should also drop those Ministers that are very obvious would not help his governance. He should face seriously and achieve two-point agenda of Power and Electoral Reforms.

Dr. Emmanuel James, Plot 1159 Woji Road, P.H.

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